Hello friend, the Lord God has sent me here to bless you!
          I pray to that all your troubles and hardships are healed and taken care of, if there is any pain or hurt in your life that is causing you sadness, I pray that it will be resolved and healed in Jesus name. I pray that you will live the life you want without people who persecute you and hurt you, I pray that those people will be shunned from you and let you be happy and cheerful because that is what you deserve! 
          God loves you very very much, he wants you to repent of your sins and turn to him, because you are precious, you are worthy, you are loved. When everything in the world may seem to fall apart, HE is your rock and HE is your shelter. While others might leave you one day, he will never abandon you and he is always waiting for you to go to him!
          I am sorry if I’ve disturbed you with this message, I will leave you with this quote from Isaiah 41:10.
          “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”


Boiii I don't wanna b annoying or anything I rlly don't but...
          ARE YOU STILL WORKING ON THE SENPAI~ STORY? (excited scream not rushed scream)
          I totally get it if you don't want to tho (plz don't stop) I just really really really really like it❤❤❤❤