
@mikaylahart9698 of course I can ;)


Sorry, If we haven't talked in awhile, Anyway I'm sorry but I've just stopped watching TVD. Ever since they killed Kat, I was upset about that. I wanted her and Stefan to be together so bad, or Jeremy. Bonnie could do better than Jeremy. Elena is so much of a Mary sue its silly. Katherine was what made Season 5 cool, well that and Tessa and Silas. After that it was boring. Delena lost their chemistry their not worth watching at all anymore. This coming from a former Delena fan but is old now. The Originals is where its at. :)


Hey no offence but phobia means something you are afraid of or something you simply can't put up with. claustrophobia is the fear of small confined places. so tvdaphobia would mean u hav a fear of TVD, sorry that just sounds a bit funny to me :P no offence really!