Aquaponics 101
DREAM Aquaponics Systems
What is Aquaponics?
A revolutionary style of gardening, that is changing the face of agriculture!
Most of us know that we should eat more vegetables and non-processed meats…
But it’s not as easy as it sounds! With work, school, the kids, the dentist, and the bills,
it's not always convenient or even realistic to provide your family with fresh, non-GMO,
pesticide free, organic food. Even though Medical study after study shows an undeniable
link between our health, our quality of life, and the food we eat.
80% or more of the food we consume today is processed, and contains
several if not dozens of chemicals, dyes, and derivative products that are
simply bad for the human body. It’s no secret, but what can you do?
The Answer is Here!
The DREAM Aquaponics Module is revolutionizing the way people are eating. It’s a fully functional, fully sustainable ecosystem that can supplement a family’s healthy diet, and even help feed entire communities...