
Hey Guys!!!! 
          	2019..... it’s been a big year!!!!
          	The Steve saga was gone but came back.
          	I started posting my story’s.
          	You guys showing support.
          	I made friends.
          	Good friends gone but not forgotten.
          	Thank you.
          	It was fun.
          	But now it’s time to restart!!!!
          	It’s 2020!!!
          	Embrace it!!! 
          	This year we all start fresh!!!
          	Gosh I’m getting emotional!!! 


You have a great year too! I think everyone needs a new fresh start!


Hey guys!!!!its me @stevesagasabre I'm using a friends account to tell you guys this .... I'm sorry I'm unable to get on wattpad anymore. I'd like to thank you guys for being supportive. I'll miss you guys. But please don't lose hope!!!! I'm sorry to those who wanted the story's I made to finish....I did too. I'm sorry guys I will try to get back on. Hopefully some of you will see this... if you do please tell people on your stories. Thanks again guys I'll miss you. 
          Bye- :p @stevesagasabre 


Hey Guys!!!! 
          2019..... it’s been a big year!!!!
          The Steve saga was gone but came back.
          I started posting my story’s.
          You guys showing support.
          I made friends.
          Good friends gone but not forgotten.
          Thank you.
          It was fun.
          But now it’s time to restart!!!!
          It’s 2020!!!
          Embrace it!!! 
          This year we all start fresh!!!
          Gosh I’m getting emotional!!! 


You have a great year too! I think everyone needs a new fresh start!


Hey, stevesagasabre!
          Thank you so much for adding 'The Savior's Truth' to your reading list! I'm happy to know that at least someone is enjoying my work!
          Oh, also, if you've been up-to-date lately with the book, you'll know that I havent updated in a while. I'm truly sorry, just a very bad case of writer's block. I'll make sure to get back to you the moment I get my head clear.


Hey, TheGGG_07
            It’s no problem!!!! The Saviors truth is a really good book!!! And I understand if you have writers block!!!! I’ve been there!!! You can ask me when you have a question or when you need some ideas!!!!thank you for bringing this to my Attention it means a lot!!!
            And don’t forget!!!! Your book is amazing and never think otherwise!!!! Again thank you for telling me this!!! Have a nice day or night wherever you are!!!