No friends, I have no more friends, I ran out of friends, every time I call my friends, who doesn't answer is my friends, who ditched is my friends, no no friends, no no friends

this message may be offensive
Yesterday, I found out that I have SAD.. I've had it for a long time, but I didn't know I had it.. It's shocking news.. and I'm not telling anybody in my family except my twin sister, because I know they won't believe me and will say some doubtful shit! I always get disgusted looks from people and my resting bitchface is so not helping.. My self-esteem is vanishing by the time.. Being in public is so scary, and it has me panicking and not able to speak! It's so terrible getting ready to get out of the house, but you want to go out yet you still want to be home, it's confusing! So, that's why I'm extremely thankful for having Wattpad for so so many reasons!!

@nevertoomuchglitter Be strong girl!always here for you!you will make through it queen...don’t worry!

i really like your username

@Tejaswini120604 AWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEE!!!!! Sorry I'm so extra lol, but thank you so much

Heyyyy there :) ❤️ You are awesome and worth it. Don't ever feel hopeless cause there will come a time when you'll know miracles do happen.☺️❤️ Have a great day. Stay positive and spread love ☺️ Smileee please! Ahh keep that smile on, suits you better :)) ❤️ Love love. ❤️❤️

@nastychocolate OMG YOU'RE THE BEST !!! I really appreciate your comment it's so nice!!! I genuinely love the people that try to spread love and happiness to make people's days!! These little acts of kindness can help me through a lot!!! I admire you and the fact that you are fearless to go tell people spread smiles and happiness!!! I love you so MUCH and don't ever stop doing this, it's amazing and it can make a dark day have a little ray sunshine!!<3

hi.. My very first book still on progress and its second chapter still on the run.. Please take a look and feel free to vote and comment your views. remember your comments can make improve our upcoming chapters link from here: https://www.wattpad.com/559643815-absolute-blessing-chapter1-sue-marie-asillo-part1

Thank for the votes, comments, and follow❤️

you're a muslim? fr that's so cool you seem so nice and your comment on tbbattb cracked me up so Im following you ❤

I agree, there can never be too much glitter.

@whirl-of-thoughts 'sup