
unbelievably good writer. your first book holy hell goodness wow. i have no words that can describe it. i finished it in a few hours. from start to end i was intrigued. i love how you describe everything so well without focusing on something too much. i can't wait to read more. good luck on your writing journey❤️


wow thank you so much !! this means a lot❤️


IM SO UPSET I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU JUST TOOK MY HEART AND STEPPED ON IT IT MADE ME SO SAD. when i get over this shock and hurt ill be able to see what an amazing book this was and how it showed not everything has a happy ending.


You just killed me.crushed my soul.and stomped my heart into so many pieces.wtf is blindside a way to ruin peoples lives.my life is over.i didn't even finish the epilogue im so sad.ahhhhh!!! This made me more sad than forest gump.its litteraly on the same level as PS i love you in terms of sadness.


im so glad you enjoyed! haha i love you too thank you for reading it means a lot (even if i probably gave you PTSD)


Can we be best friends? You are literally amazing already in my mind because: Calum is my baby  u have a fanfic about Daddy with the best title ever, Allison is all time bae, Stiles is the cutest dork in the world and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Teen Wolf 


omg i just saw this! and yes please! lol!