Just a few status updates on my current status as my inbox and message board is overflowing with questions about where the hell I've been! - No, I haven't died. My mother did though earlier this year and it's been nearly impossible to bring myself to write since. I haven't even been able to work on my non fan-fiction WIPS which I had previously been focusing on. - No, Something Sinful has not been discontinued. I'm still working on it, even though it's been nearly a year since my last update. I will have more for you, I promise. My life long goal is to finish the Something Series which is plotted for at least six books spanning all fifteen seasons. - Yes, I'm aware I always disappear and I'm truly sorry about that. I'm a mother of an eight-year-old and fifteen-year-old who play every sport imaginable and always keep me running. I also work full time and have dreams of one day publishing my own work, which I've also neglected this year. I've been on Wattpad since 2011 and writing fan fiction will always have a place in my life, but unfortunately, it's no longer my sole focus. I miss, love and appreciate all of you and I promise despite my Olympic level skills at hide and seek, I will always come back. And though I don't expect anyone to stick around and wait, I want you all to know that my stories will always be here in there cringy glory! Now, on to work on some Something Sinful updates! I will not set a date for the next chapter but I can say it will be soon!! Love to you all!! - Nich

@stilers Hope you're doing well, I know the feeling but it gets easier to navigate I promise ❤️ Wishing this new year to bring positive things your way!