
Hello lovers, 
          	Long time no see.
          	I feel like I need to explain myself even though this family is small...
          	It's not like I forgot about you, my book, my story...
          	I didn't... 
          	Every time I open my drawer, I see my notes. I miss writing.
          	The past year taught me a lot about myself, I went through so many changes, disasters and challenging lessons. 
          	I look at myself differently, I feel happy. God, I feel actually happy - it's sick haha...
          	Even if I still am searching for "the one" and still experiencing new stuff, I do it with so much passion and I feel like I can do anything as long as I believe in myself :). I wish you all believed in yourself as well.
          	Life can get dark and twisty but if you push hard and fight - you'll get your happy ending.
          	Anyways, back to the book!
          	Last year's events and nowadays make me feel inspired. Hopefully, I'll find a moment very soon to reread all my notes and get back to you, so we can finish what we started. 
          	Not for the public but for myself. 
          	I promised myself that I'll tell the story that has been in my dreams and thoughts...
          	Please, keep your fingers crossed! 
          	Also - balancing Uni and working 5x per week sucks sometimes ;).
          	I love you and miss you,
          	Yours truly, 
          	Petal x


Hello lovers, 
          Long time no see.
          I feel like I need to explain myself even though this family is small...
          It's not like I forgot about you, my book, my story...
          I didn't... 
          Every time I open my drawer, I see my notes. I miss writing.
          The past year taught me a lot about myself, I went through so many changes, disasters and challenging lessons. 
          I look at myself differently, I feel happy. God, I feel actually happy - it's sick haha...
          Even if I still am searching for "the one" and still experiencing new stuff, I do it with so much passion and I feel like I can do anything as long as I believe in myself :). I wish you all believed in yourself as well.
          Life can get dark and twisty but if you push hard and fight - you'll get your happy ending.
          Anyways, back to the book!
          Last year's events and nowadays make me feel inspired. Hopefully, I'll find a moment very soon to reread all my notes and get back to you, so we can finish what we started. 
          Not for the public but for myself. 
          I promised myself that I'll tell the story that has been in my dreams and thoughts...
          Please, keep your fingers crossed! 
          Also - balancing Uni and working 5x per week sucks sometimes ;).
          I love you and miss you,
          Yours truly, 
          Petal x


          Words can't describe how much I missed going back to this secret bubble I made for myself.
          I'm deeply sorry I abandoned this story.
          Life is hard. Harder than you think it could be.
          Last year has been very hard for me for many reasons. Private life, health issues, work and much more had its own impact on my mental and physical health. It has been hard and tragic for all of us as we see people fighting for life daily which is unfair and sad.
          I'm not looking for excuses. I want to be honest. When I started writing this story I was in a very unsteady place but didn't knew yet about it. 
          I tried my best to stay optimistic and
          not to lose a spark. What happened in my life made me take a break from everything and now I'm here.
          I lost friends, close members of family and more. I lost my happiness and steadiness.
          I will be okay, cause there is always a rainbow after the storm.
          I want to truly apologize to everyone who has read the story and didn't get a chance to continue. Sorry to everyone who supported me. I know it's not perfect. I'll try my best to continue as soon as possible.
          I hope you understand.
          With love, love and love always,
          Your petal x


@stillinluvwithniall I'm sorry love, I'm seeing this much later but do whatever is healthy for you. Sorry for whatever happened to you, I can only imagine. Please take time to heal and do whatever is the best for you, darling. We'll wait for you and it's no excuse when it comes to your health (mental/physical/emotional). Don't apologise. We understand. Hope you find happiness and live a good and healthy life, petal. I love you and I'm so proud of you <3