My love, How are you doing? I miss you
@stillwithfifi love, it's okay. I completely understand. I know work can get stressful and busy. Please don't overwork yourself. Take rest when you can. I love you. Take as much time as you need with updates. I'm doing good. Work has been stressful for me as well and it's driving me crazy.. I wish I could take a week off.. You are more amazing and I'm always thinking of you. Sending you love and big hugs, squeezing you tight ♡
@SamanthaMoore226 hey babe. I know it has been too long and I'm really looking to post updates soon but OMG I've been so caught up and stressed I barely get time to catch a breather. I'll be back as soon as possible though I promise! Thank you for checking up you're absolutely amazing and I hope you're doing well too❤