
Tbh, all I want to say is that you all know what kind of story I am writing, please leave, leave and LEAVE!!!!!!! if you people are uncomfortable. It's not like I ended them up together. If you all want everything to be like a bed of roses then this story is not for you. You may have to face even worse in this story. Nxt time I won't warn. I'll directly block all those people who are b!tching under this story.


@stlwithjk97 Right it's not point to reveal everything in pre but atleast clear the point this story not going to be happy ending . And also you have no right play game with their feelings who came to read good dark romance but in the middle of the story they find story is not going to be happy ending and but about them who share your story with their friends to read them but in middle author come and tell the story and going to be good ending. But anyway this is your story and your decision and about story i telling you atleast think about both side not he have a daughter who love him very much that's why i telling you not separate them and his family but it's your decision and next time i never gone read your story and never them with friends.


@stlwithjk97 What's the point of writing a  story if I should reveal everything in pre?


@stlwithjk97 if you not end up them together then you should write disclaimer (you not end up them together)first then people discuss if they read this story or not ; not the middle of this story. And you staring biching fast for writing this type of story not the people who want this story good ending . 


Tbh, all I want to say is that you all know what kind of story I am writing, please leave, leave and LEAVE!!!!!!! if you people are uncomfortable. It's not like I ended them up together. If you all want everything to be like a bed of roses then this story is not for you. You may have to face even worse in this story. Nxt time I won't warn. I'll directly block all those people who are b!tching under this story.


@stlwithjk97 Right it's not point to reveal everything in pre but atleast clear the point this story not going to be happy ending . And also you have no right play game with their feelings who came to read good dark romance but in the middle of the story they find story is not going to be happy ending and but about them who share your story with their friends to read them but in middle author come and tell the story and going to be good ending. But anyway this is your story and your decision and about story i telling you atleast think about both side not he have a daughter who love him very much that's why i telling you not separate them and his family but it's your decision and next time i never gone read your story and never them with friends.


@stlwithjk97 What's the point of writing a  story if I should reveal everything in pre?


@stlwithjk97 if you not end up them together then you should write disclaimer (you not end up them together)first then people discuss if they read this story or not ; not the middle of this story. And you staring biching fast for writing this type of story not the people who want this story good ending . 