
;     if  i  make  a  nightmare  before  christmas  acc  would  anyone  be  willing  to  join  me ..


;     like  watching  the  movie  has  me  tempted  to  make  shock  ong


i  brought  pudding.   my  mom  made  it,   she  said  you  were  probably  getting  sick  of  hospital  food.


@visionscalled- ꒷꒦ ⚠︎ ꒦꒷           [     even   as   he's   the   one   in   the   hospital   bed,     he   worries   for   her   more.     the   pudding   is   poked   before   it   starts   eating   it.     delicious.     ten   times   better   than   whatever   disgusting   hospital   food   he's   been   forced   to   eat.     ]          that'd   be   nice.     both   to   go   home   y   for   you   to   spend   the   night.     mamá   wouldn't   mind   you   coming   over,     and   it'd   worry   her   less   when   i'm   home.


DIDN'T  YOU  HEAR,  @stoIenpnch :
            i  will.   {  the  hollowness  of  her  face  is  finally  beginning  to  fill  out.   after  the  time  and  exhaustive  efforts  she  looks  a  little  more  human  in  the  pale  limelight  of  the  hospital  fluorescents,    and  how  oddly  guilty  she  feels  for  it.    nevertheless  a  small  smile  settles  on  her  lips  as  she  slowly  sets  the  bowl  on  the  tray  in  front  of  robin,   taking  her  own  seat  at  the  foot  of  the  bed.  }    they  said  you  will  be  going  home  soon.    when  you  are  feeling  a  little  better,   i  can  come  spend  the  night.    we  can  watch  some  movies  then,   too.   


@visionscalled- ꒷꒦ ⚠︎ ꒦꒷           [     as   if   he   wasn't   already   sick   of   so   many   different   things.     but   he   sits   up   on   the   strange   bed,     doing   his   best   not   to   wince   or   think   about   what   landed   him   here   in   the   first   place.     food.     comida.     carrie's   mom   made   pudding.     focus   on   that.     ]          i   AM   getting   sick   of   hospital   food.     gettin'   sick   of   the   hospital   in   general.     quiero   a   dormir   contigo.     tell   her   i   say   gracias.     she's   the   best.


softball.   ( .. )   i  play  softball.   that  is  how  i  met  finney.


@visionscalled- ꒷꒦ ⚠︎ ꒦꒷           'course.     i'd   support   you   with   anything   you   do.     [     he   doesn't   say   more   than   that.     he   would   indeed   support   her   with   everything.     hell,     he'd   be   her   biggest   supporter.     poster   and   everything.     ]          yeah !     yeah,     that   works.     i'll   be   there,     as   soon   as   i   get   that   ticket.


DIDN'T  YOU  HEAR,  @stoIenpnch :
            you  want  to?    {  with  a  curious  tilt  of  her  head  carrie  seems  to  lapse  into  brief  surprise,   expression  graced  with  a  dim  light.  }      if  you  would  like  to,   sure.    i  have  a  game  next  friday.    maybe  i  could  get  you  a  ticket—   my  treat.    


@visionscalled- ꒷꒦ ⚠︎ ꒦꒷           softball ..     could   i   watch   you   play   someday?     a  game   or   something?


texas  chainsaw  massacre.   it  is  one  of  my  favorites—   i watched  it  back  when  it  first  came  out.


@visionscalled- ꒷꒦ ⚠︎ ꒦꒷           [     his   eyes   are   practically   sparkling.     texas   chainsaw   massacre,     his   favorite   after   enter   the   dragon,     is   liked   by   carrie   hopper   herself?     he   just   won   the   jackpot.     ]          en   serio ?!     so   did   i !!     well,     it   was   with   my   tío   at   the   drive - in,     but   still !


;     hola,   cb  and  drop  bc  there's  too  much  muse  for  robin  <3


            //Here and /survivorsphone, if you can <3


*    mhm  mhm  mhm !!   getting  to  everything  rn   <33