you seem like on of those people that just are genualy nice.
and may god, you like flowers i see, i love flowers, or i don't know anything about them, but i love getting flowers, the world just get better...
i really like you pp.
music is the world girl, what kind of music do you like.
i am kind of out of music so bomb me with music
and i think i found my soul mate
you like rainy days...
i love for rainy days, a couple of days ago i was at school and it started pouring and it was our last lesson meaning, we where going to get wet, and i was like grinning like a maniac, and i was like yes, and people just looked at my like i was an idiot.
it not just the rain, its the like color, the light, it is not sunny, but not completely dark, i can't explain.. hhehe sry i am talking about rainy days, i just love them so much ♡
i love your name, it is kind of diffrent, or at least where i live... it is really beautiful.
sry for rambling haha...