


crowne university’s notable  ‘evil cuntress’  aka everyone’s biased favorite.   shes too real and iconic for this world xoxo


(ps!!!   don’t put her in the same category as her crazy aunt thanks!!)


          	                   SHALL  PROSPER”    
          	  ARTS  OF  ARTEMIS  BOOK  II,   CYRA  ANDROMEDA  ABERNATHY.    daughter  of  the  crowne.    


i’d rather die than have that thing for a partner.. 


@pacrovas      truthfully?   he’s at an ares level    ..but he’s certainly not going to stare you down a wild animal waiting for the kill like macsen is.   he’s not hard to find,    and don’t come say thank you when you get that perfect grade


how could i not?   there’s only three types of men at this school,  milly, ares, or macsen. and i put that in order of worse to worser.  ( .. )  i would do just about anything for a perfect grade..   i’ll find him later on.  


@pacrovas     mm,  and livia’s twin brother.   they’re in the class between us so you two aren’t that far apart.    besides     —-i know you like the back of my hand,   your likes and dislikes      ..picky little bitch,   but rightfully so.   i’d say give it a try,   especially if you want that golden grade


oh!  i moved the date back..  


no,  you’re not understanding me.  i had no intentions of making anything pink or sparkly. i can comprehend what is appropriate and inappropriate for an event such as this.  [ her smile doesn’t waver and she holds her books close to her chest. ]   look..   i’m sorry for making the decision on my own.  but i know what i’m doing.  i’m not changing the date..  if you want—-   we can easily swap out my decorations for yours..  and your money won’t be wasted.  


@euphrosynies      ..what?    [it took almost everything in her power to remain at stoic as she usually was,   but not without biting harshly into her cheek.   while she knew elea had all the best intentions in the world,   she clearly was not seeing the point here.   but nonetheless,   a fake yet forced smile is spread upon her face as her hands clasped before her mid section]    heh     ..i don’t think you’re understanding me here.    this event isn’t meant to be pink and dazzling,   it’s a formal black and white event,    to which i already bought the decorations and displays ahead of time,   so no,   i’m not taking a break from my original duties     —-and i never will.    yes,   i’m sure we could be     ..the best running mates of sorts,   but i’ve been planning this longer than you’ve been in the running.    you may have the majority vote,   but i know what our classmates want when it comes to an event


everything is already in the works.  i’ve got it all in order. i wouldn’t have much such a decision if i didn’t have it under control!  sometimes we need a bit of..  change!  consider this a break from your original duties!  a thank you from your president for all of your previous work. we’ll have plenty of chances to collaborate. we’ll be the best president and vice president duo this school has ever seen.  


what does this have to do with me?  


simmer down on the attitude,  sweetie.   i’m not worried about these so called ‘lowlife degenerate cunts’.  if they’re good,  i’m great. /we/ are great. relax.  


@hewhoIies       are you that braindead from all of the drugs you and your little friend do?   it has  /everything/  to do with you.    these little lowlife degenerate cunts want  /our/  spots in the rankings


a smile would be nice. 


@stoiqrc  consequences of her own actions.  you don’t get rid of a baby because you made a mistake, you get rid of it when you have no one or don’t know what else to do.     she has all the support she needs, money and more  but what do i know..    [he’d end it there with a shrug,  knowing that this is only the beginning——for the swanne-drusilla household that was.  it felt cruel to be excited about it but he was,  the holidays were just days away and he missed when his aunt leonor would have an asthma attack or nana amancia’s face growing red with distress of their trophy family member no longer making extravagant wins.   this was a thanksgiving he truly could not miss]     luckily for the dewolfes,         their names won’t even be mentioned, courtesy to mr grand president pulling strings with my dear uncle..        the crowned family remains sparkly clean as always and /i/ get a good laugh.   maybe santa is real..    


@swanecea     [their entire conversation she kept her attention on the book before her,   but his news upon sigyn’s course of affection regarding the pregnancy was sure to warrant her narrow gaze to shift up at him.    slowly setting the novel down against her crossed legs,   she lets out a sigh with clasped hands.   was she shocked?   no.   she saw this coming from a mile away,   if the flat expression on her face wasn’t an indicator]    i assumed as much,    although i’m a little shocked she so willingly stepped down from the championships merely just to keep it     ..but not my circus,  not my monkeys 


@stoiqrc ‘course..    all the power you can dream of.        (..)     i actually came to you to talk about sigyn.   uncle oberon is tense and my aunt aphena is so quick to be ..   ‘reassuring’.      as you may know—- or, probably not so i’m going to tell you anyway,  she plans to keep the..   halfbreed little thing.    and is also stepping down from the championships so..   there’s that. 


the dress looked good 


[ practically chasing after cyra’s lips,  stefana would give her a quick look of defeat when she realizes she won’t get another kiss. ]  was that so hard?   .. do you think ares is okay?  [ the question may come off as random,  but she knew that her girlfriend was well aware what she meant.  even someone who was in their own bubble could tell that ares’ was a little off. ]  he looked terrible..   [ while she wouldn’t consider the two of them friends—-  they were often friendly to each other.  but you either had to be a hater or the devil to not like stefana of all people.  ]   i don’t want to get involved in anyone’s business..  but i couldn’t help but notice.  


@kimaquare     you like everyone,  babe.   [she chuckles quietly as she focuses on brushing out her fluffy locks.  out of the two,  stefana was no doubt the more social and willing to see the good in everyone she crosses paths with.   cyra however,  was far from that.   not that she minded,   she liked the way she was and wouldn’t change it for the world.  upon the mention of stef priorly cheating off of jackie’s chemistry exams,   she slowly turns in her vanity chair to give her a playful glare,  accompanied by one of her signature eye rolls.  she then raises from her seat to crawl into bed right next to stef,  who still had a slight pout plastered on her lips,   to which cyra was quick to kiss away,   gently holding onto her chin]    she’s    ..alright,   i suppose.    she’s    —-nice.


oh okay..  [ shrugging she props against the pillows to watch cyra get ready for bed. stefana had been somewhat jealous when she first saw the two plastered onto the cover of an article,  but it had simmered down into more of so being bummed out not being able to see the dress on her girlfriend in person. ]  that was nice of you—-   i like jackie. she lets me cheat off of her in chemistry.  (..)  which i don’t do anymore..   


there is definitely a man on the moon watching us


but that’s it..  it just sounds fun.  nobody is going to take me seriously if i say that i want to do space exploration for the sake of seeing if someone is living on the moon or not. which they are!   —-  i don’t know.. this is all stupid. 


@kimaquare     no no,    i think you should.   i’m sure he’d love to hear your proposal.    if it sounds fun,   then reach for the stars     —-no pun intended


you’re just teasing me..    i wouldn’t waste his time on something like this anyways.  but being a moon explorer does sound fun.  


i got it for you—-      i remember you said that you ran out of the (lipstick) shade


i know,  but you never know—-  !  life gets crazy around here..   that’s why i didn’t attend the gala!  my hair looked terrible and i couldn’t find someone to braid it in time.  [ arms slip around cyra’s waist and she has to look up when the other is wearing her heels. ]   doesn’t matter. it isss a chiller place though, you can wear one of my hoodies.  


@kimaquare     of course we are.    i’m many things,   but a liar and most importantly a flake,   i am not.    [once she was successful with ridding her of a dark burgundy tinted mouth,   she drops her hand,   but making sure not to even let her thumb ever so slightly skim her cream colored blazer]    what should i wear?


[ ‘fana cheeks burn at the action and she’s turning away from cyra to hide her blush.  ] stop it..    —-  oh!   are we still on for date night?  there’s this reallly cool stop near the school i want to show you. 


no date? 


@soverlars    [she takes her sweet time,  strolling over to the very closet that hung two    ..abstract,   yet beautiful dresses that could potentially make an appearance later in the week.   she tilts her head,   taking the liberty to examine every inch of fabric before her.   they surely were dresses you would never see at a gala of this importance,   they’d be considered provocative and would most certainly cause a spectacle     ..yet cyra never strayed from controversy.   in fact,   she loved the idea of seeing the older,   yet more conservative guests head spin upon jackie’s entrance]   dark green.   the hot pink isn’t in season and would drain you out.   the green compliments you better in this season


[ a hand motions towards the dresses hanging on the hooks above her closet. a green dress that would surely send the writers into a frenzy and a pink one so revealing that it’d send a poor old lady into a heart attack. both made by jackie herself. ]  those two.  i made the dark sea green one a few months ago and the other was sometime during the summer but i never got around to wearing it. 


@soverlars   ugh.   [once she pulls away,  cyra was quick to readjust her blazer,  dusting away any potential germs or dirt that could’ve been left on her clothes.   she readjusts her face,   forcing a tight lipped smile with squinted eyes as her hands claps before her frame]    good,   perfect.    now i’d like to know before we proceed further,   what dresses do you have in mind?   


what about this dress?


@spacediva     mm.   [she hums out flatly,   yet in agreement,   reaching for the other dresses that sigyn hadn’t chosen for her big day and slipped them back on their respective hangers before putting them back onto the rod in her closet.   at the mere thought of ares being bombarded with a handful of women,   practically begging him to be their plus one warranted a dry laugh to expel past her lips.   only then did she turn around to look at sigyn,   who seemed to find comfort along the carpet of her floor]    you’re funny.   as much as i dislike that man,   i can admit we have a lot in common     ..especially our pickiness.    knowing him,   he’s turned down every offer bestowed upon him.    if you couldn’t tell,   he’s rather mean to the ordinary individual      ..but he knows how to play his cards right.    and you,   my friend,   would be the perfect date.    not only are you two friends,   he’s the president’s son and you’re the crowned champion.    it’ll save you both from the awkwardness and tension from going with a complete nobody or loser,    because there’s many.     you may feel more inclined to stay even a little longer with a comrade by your side,   i would venture save you from the media questioning your whereabouts on your big day


@stoiqrc ares? [his name comes out as a spoken laugh, pulling the skirt of the gown she had been examining and swaying it a little to see how’d it fit.  when satisfied, she returned it to its place on the bed right next to the others and came to sit in the floor, elbow propped and chin pressing into her palm,    her legs tucked beneath her.  sigyn’s entire plan before was simply attending to the gala out of obligation to commend her speech, eat and make a believable excuse that would warrant the  champion’s sudden disappearance.  if it wasn’t for the speech, and the attendance of familiar faces,      she may not have been attending in the first place]  wouldn’t he have asked someone already?     or,    someone asking him sounds the more sensible.  [her head fell against her propped up arm,  humming]    I don’t think i’d be staying long, anyway  


@spacediva    of course they have,   but none that have asked are simply up to my caliber.   i have standards,   and that won’t change even for a gala     ..i will happily go alone in all my glory if need be.   [the last week,  she had been bombarded with offers,   handful of men asking her to be their date to the gala.   anyone who knew her would be able to tell you that she didn’t politely decline.   in fact,   she made sure they felt belittled and stupid for even thinking they had the audacity to ask her of all people.   with a shrug,  she then shoots her a smile through the mirror,  allowing herself to take in how the fabric clung perfectly against her frame.   the dress looked absolutely perfect on her,   and cyra silently wishes that sigyn would choose that lucky dress to reiterate her speech in front of a vast crowd.  and there cyra would be,  tapping her glass of champagne and cheering her on from the crowd]    you could always ask ares     ..i’m sure he wouldn’t say no.   he’s obviously obligated to attend,   as much as he may dread it.   might ease the anxiety and little bit,   attending with a good friend.