
Wattpad is so confusing lmao what’s going on 


Wattpad needs to get a grip lmao. im still confused and its been like, a week? idk i cant do maths but same, i miss the old wattpad when it was unrelated to the dark web


@stolenHYPE it's tripping for everybody


Wattpad is so confusing lmao what’s going on 


Wattpad needs to get a grip lmao. im still confused and its been like, a week? idk i cant do maths but same, i miss the old wattpad when it was unrelated to the dark web


@stolenHYPE it's tripping for everybody


K but can ppl just not add me to gc’s with ppl idk? I’d rather not be messaged at all than constantly spammed with random stickers and messages about school work.... school work... I didn’t go on WhatsApp to talk about the pile of overdue hw I have, don’t remind me it’s gonna make me panic lmao but anyway tho. I start talking to ppl more often and suddenly they’re adding me to gc’s with strangers it’s so annoying like I wanna talk to YOU can you tell these ppl to stfu and leave why are they here. 


this message may be offensive
@vkook-is-amazing can’t say I relate to that tbh. I don’t suck things and I don’t suck AT them bc I’m obviously very multi talented? 


@vkook-is-amazing246 Oh Yh exactly I cant sleep lol. Yh I’m not worried about the hw just the ppl in our form bc 80% of them suck so


Guys I’m ngl but sometimes I read odd things like by accident istg. There’s this website called Archive of our own or something (it’s good lol) but there was this Haikyuu ship I liked and I wanted to read some ff about them and umm... I didn’t check the tags until after...? So it didn’t go to plan and I ended up reading about some guy in a restaurant like peeing and then stripping himself and then there was this other guy crossdressing and he made him like lick up his pee and c*m I couldn’t breathe like istg one of them was wearing some tail thing I don’t think it was a joke tho, that’s the worse part. I need to delete my history ASAP :(


@vkook-is-amazing264 just wow? I was expecting “EW WTF” energy lmao


I can’t change my profile pic bc I commented “hey twin” or something under some Comment and they had a Sangwoo profile pic too so now I gotta deal with him hanging around. I just want to change it to some other fictional character already wtf reply to me twin I need to change it


@vkook-is-amazing246 Same. I don’t remember any of these conversations


@stolenHYPE I don't even remember writing that like why do i have such a bad memory


@vkook-is-amazing264 why would I worry about loving life I- ahiaihiqgugqgqgagaga but yeah haha. I’m really loving my fun life! :)


Basically guys, I’m going through a crisis where my dad has signed me up to get an injection at my school (omfg how horrendous I might be sick I hate that place) but none of my friends will be there andddd random strangers are gonna be in the room as I’m holding back my tears bc I’m a wuss and I literally can’t remember the last time I had an injection. I can’t have my family in there apparently and if my teachers and classmates try talking to me I’m gonna stab the syringe into the deepest part of my brain and overdose. I’m not trying to talk to them sorry but yh anyway, I’m going through a crisis wtf do I do? I was thinking of making myself sick but I never wanna hear myself gag so that idea is crossed off the list. 


@stolenHYPE i did feel awkward I was also trying to hold on my laugh


Have any of you guys seen Hyunjin (from Stray kids) with blonde hair like omfg I’m speechless. When it’s up in a ponytail as well omg 


Exactly it’s so embarrassing but Yh it’s fine lmao 


@stolenHYPE sorry I meant Kpop not Koop autocorrect, this is embarrassing


I really wish my brain just told me what I was doing was right or wrong bc I feel like I’ve done some crappy things. I don’t think that at the time, I just remember the next day and feel horrible and it’s always like that. I’ll say something, go to bed, wake up, regret it, feel bad. That’s how every day goes for me idk how to hold back what I saw bc sometimes it can hurt ppl but if I knew that at the time, I really wouldn’t say that. It doesn’t make it better but I hope ppl know I don’t mean to hurt them, I just wanna get what I have to say off my chest but yh idk I need someone that just tells me to stfu when I’m being rude 


@vkook-is-amazing246 Kk ur gonna get spammed so much tho hahahhahah 


@stolenHYPE yes if u don’t mind ty


I’m actually really embarrassing I feel like if I got kidnapped I’d be worrying if i looked weird being stuffed in their car or something like I really don’t wanna look dumb. I would be scared about the situation but more scared about things like that 


both those things are soo embarrassing to think about like ugh imagine ur wearing something ugly as well. I’d be crying bc I thought I made myself look dumb, not bc I got ran over or kidnapped at all. 


K but have any of you watched banana fish? It’s VERY sad idk why they had to make Ash suffer so much but oh well it’s so good and it has a decent amount of episodes (24) + a manga if you prefer reading ig but ugh it traumatised me. Don’t watch it if you don’t like sad anime’s because you might get very upset :(( 


@vkook-is-amazing246 omg that movie is so upsetting you don’t understand ahiahhqiia but the book was boring and she was talking about kissing her friend I was like :0


Idk how it’s related but Yh


How do you delete something without making it obvious you deleted it because I desperately need to ge rid of something but so many ppl have seen it, is there any point? Omg plz help idk what tf I should do I can’t breathe obahagiagayahahahahah 


@stolenHYPE I doubt it mahahhahahaha