
২ ✶  cb & specify hsrrpc﹗ (^▽^人)


"  sorry,  for burdening you.   [  ∙∙∙  ]   but it's best we part ways.  "


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            〝  out of fear﹖  fear of what,  making new memories with your companions﹖ " came the ravenette's troubled questions as he stared at the other who stood before him.  was everything that they had been through meant nothing in the end﹗﹖  did the cremator do something wrong to make the knight come to this decision﹖﹖  zera could only laugh bitterly to himself as arms folded over his chest〝  for a knight of beauty that always preaches about cherishing memories,  you sure are contradicting yourself right now "


creased brows are tight due to perturbation.⠀ "  perhaps it is for the best,  "⠀ things weren't supposed to end this well.   even the esteemed knight himself is struggling to..  accept it.⠀ "  from the start,  i have never wanted a companion out of fear..  i've always been conflicted.  i'm sorry for breaking the promise.  "


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            〝  but what happened to you promising that we'll always travel together﹖﹖  don't tell me i'll never see you again . ."


"⠀i didn't leave zerachiel,   truly i apologize—-    for not informing you.   i thought that by the time i'd be back you'd still be sleeping.   i didn't want to wake you up.⠀"


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            the cremator's head remained buried against the other's torso,  his hold not seeming to let up anytime soon either〝  not forgiven.  you had me worried when i woke up and you weren't there . . .  i thought you left and would never come back- " grumbled zera,  though what he said last had turned into saddened mumbling


"  .. eh─?!  "⠀ he looks to his side,  where the other had tightly embraced his torso.  clearly not letting up to his statement.⠀ "  well,  okay,  i'm sorry for not doing so...  please forgive me.  "


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            〝  you could've at least left a note before you left.  hmph,  you won't be going anywhere now until you apologize "


"⠀i still don't know what your mission entails.   why can't you tell me?   you are following me,   after all.   it's been sometime.⠀"


"⠀you truly don't remember?  (..)  no,   it's not a bad thing.   perhaps you not knowing the intentions of it is...   much better.⠀"


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            "⠀. . .  i don't remember-  i just enjoy accompanying you.  is that a bad thing﹖ ﹖ ⠀"


“⠀nightmare huh?  mmn..   it's okay i'm here.⠀” ⠀ just by the edge of the mattress,  there sat the knight.   simultaneously,   nico held onto his hand gingerly.   hoping it'd soothe the other.


(..)   a͟t͟t͟a͟c͟h͟e͟d͟,   he says.   the knight was briefly stupefied by his words.   the shock to his face softened fondly,   it meant a lot to him.   "⠀i am sure we will cross paths again.   i'm a firm believer of that.⠀"   he looks down to him,  the ever sweet smile present.   "⠀i do feel that our encounter transcends fate itself.   like we are woven by the same thread.⠀"   although the idea of parting ways with him was sad,   there is always a wishful thought of him that remained.   "⠀if we do part ways..   i hope there is a universe out there where we are still together.⠀"


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            the ravenette seemed to be at peace after hearing the other's reassuring response,  his body relaxing as nicodamus parted his bangs,  not showing any resistance towards his touch  "⠀good,  i don't want to see you ever go.  i think attached is the right word to describe this feeling i have towards you⠀"  was his quiet response as his soft gaze stared back at the knight above him  "⠀but if there's ever a time we're separated,  i hope we'll find each other again⠀"  he added,  cheeks slightly turning a faint shade of red as he spoke


the very notion shocked nicodamus.   however,   for just that moment his expression softens,   lips laced pleasantly.   "⠀what nonsense...   harm would not befall upon me.   idrila protects me amidst such chaos.⠀"   his thumbs gently rubs the skin to his hand.   until zerachiel’s head rested to his lap—-   nico simply brushed away his locks.   parting the bangs to fully see the troubled cremator.   "⠀i'll always be here.⠀"


“⠀hey──you said you'd only take a bite,   you almost ate the whole thing..⠀”


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            the ravenette was quick to grab one more fry from nico's meal before he was once again pushed towards the cashier.  now taking a proper look at the menu,  he realized that he forgot what exactly the other wanted to him to order,  his body visibly deflating at seeing all the different options at once.  the kind smile the cashier was giving him didn't help his internal panicking either-  the cremator then looked over his shoulder where the knight was,  as if trying to silently say that he needed help


“⠀no such thing!   you won't,  i trust you.⠀” ⠀ patting his shoulders,   he merely pushes him towards the cashier's direction. ⠀ “⠀it's just one order,   you can do it.⠀”


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            〝  you want me to order this time﹖﹖ " the ravenette asked in a confused tone as he was being lightly pushed.  his eyes shifted between the knight behind him and the cashier not too far away from him and turned around to properly face nico〝  but what if i mess up yor order﹖ "


“⠀you don't..  understand it yet.⠀” ⠀ said the bluenette,   tone soft yet so tranquil──  so clear. ⠀ “⠀because you haven't experienced it.   take those children,  for an instance;⠀” ⠀ the children he points at were playing.   the jubilant laughter peeking sunlight of dappled woodland,  bright and playful.    even the same glint of joy was in the knight's pupils,   in the way his face changed into that vision of relaxed joy and unrestrained mirth just by watching the kids enjoy themselves. ⠀ “⠀they may grow older someday,   and may forget the bonds they have shared   ..   yet they would also find something worth looking back into.   cause they will never experience this kind of joy,  of being a child ever again.   this kind of memory may seem small to you,   but..   it's beautiful.⠀”


upon the handed question,    nico's gaze turns to zera. ⠀ “⠀no,   however..⠀” ⠀ gaze softens,   yet mirrors the same exact look of melancholy. (...) yet he smiled. ⠀ “⠀it's not too late to experience such joy,   when you have me by your side.⠀” ⠀ he wasn't bragging like he typically is,   not even joking or being dramatic...   the knight meant it wholeheartedly.    it's almost new towards zerachiel,   to hear him be soft─spoken and understanding all of a sudden,   he often showed the side of such rambunctious behavior or an overly sublime attitude   ..   only raring to show it when needed. ⠀ “⠀i will teach you,⠀” ⠀ he placed his hand above his,   only to give it a gentle but reassuring squeeze.   whilst never breaking eye—contact. ⠀ “⠀they aren't unnecessary.   it's normal you feel like there's something wrong,   right?   yet one does not need to confide such feelings to a purpose told by someone else.    you are living because..   you chose to.   you needn't have a title nor an achievement to have purpose.   on one is pressuring you to.   i think   ..   your existence is already something extraordinary.   you just don't know it yet.⠀” ⠀ 


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            〝  have you ever thought of maybe the reason why i've never experienced the joys of being young is because i never got to myself﹖ " was the question zera had asked sometime after letting the other speak.  his tone in voice was somber as he took a glance at the children playing not to far from them before pulling his gaze away from them and back to the knight in front of him〝  i know full well that what we as cremators do isn't morally right,  but at least to me it's better i do something with my life than think about all these unnecessary feelings and memories that just keep confusing me to no end "


somehow it made him upset,   was that person about to eradicate that memory bubble? ⠀ “⠀are you seriously not including   ..   these?⠀” ⠀ he asked,   there was indifference tensing by the air.


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            a nod of his head was given as a means to answer his question.  he silently stared at the bubble cluster that was taken from him,  but he made no attempt at taking it back in favor of wanting to see what the other planned on doing with it〝  i assume you're also from there too﹖ "


“⠀everything should not be forgotten,   no matter small it is.⠀” ⠀ the knight went over and seemed to have taken the small clusters of the bubble,   securing them. ⠀ “⠀are you from the garden of recollection?⠀”


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            〝  is there a point to include them﹖ " the ravenette asked with a tilt of his head.  although his words sounded harsh,  he was genuinely confused at the other's upset reaction.  brows had furrowed slightly behind messy bangs as he stared at the knight in front of him,  waiting for his response


“⠀ those foolish drunkards...   they think they can win against my utter greatness?   well i'll show them not to underestimate me.⠀” ⠀ harrumphed nicodamus.  (..) all that,   for a map?   when he can easily obtain that by other methods;


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            the table that they were seated at was particularly secluded,  there surprisingly being not that many people around them.  deciding to use this moment of privacy between them,  the ravenette opted to go over to the side when the knight was sitting.  he later chose to rest his head upon the other's lap after kneeling down and he once again took ahold of the bluenette's hand,  giving it a gentle squeeze.  he wasn't sure how to properly apologize to nico for upsetting him,  so he chose to do so in the best way he knew:  through affection


nico,   who was..   still drunk,  surprisingly held a bit of composure on what happened.   he only sighed,   but───that unsatisfied frown was still plastered on his flushed features however.    nico...   acts really childishly when intoxicated,   it's likely whe he's being oddly (..) stubborn.⠀  “⠀i don't wanna hear it.⠀” ⠀ a light slap is given to their hand,   effectively making the cremator's hand loosen to his hold.


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            seeing the other suddenly being grumpy with him caused the ravenette's pointed ears to droop slightly〝  i didn't mean for it to be that way.  i just wanted you to drink some water but didn't know what to do " he explained as he gently took ahold of nico's hand to rub a few circles along it〝  i'm sorry nico if i had startled you by doing that "


“⠀zerachiel,   there you are,   we need to go─-⠀” ⠀ there came a sudden halt from the knight once he cleared his way of the branches.   seems like the ravenette had been napping under a shade of a tree.  (...)  scoffing,   nicodamus strided near the slumbering man and bent down affront.   the breeze played with his hair   ..   giving it the same buoyant wave as the trees so close by.  ⠀ “⠀perhaps i shouldn't have waken you so early.⠀” ⠀ a quite undertone,   he thought.


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            the sudden pull of his shirt caused zera to lose his balance,  him in turn being brought down to use his forearms as a means of keeping himself from accidentally crushing the other below him.  the kiss that had ensued soon after caught him by surprise,  his eyes briefly widening at the press of nico's lips now being against his once again.  a quiet hum could later be heard from as his eyes were now peacefully closed in content.  though at needing to catch his breath,  he pulled away from the knight,  but not before softly biting at the bottom of the bluenette's lip〝  you were awfully quick to become so suddenly bold nico " the ravenette lightly teased with a chuckle,  his nose affectionately rubbing against nico's in the process


would he really  *need*  to repeat it himself?   oh,   (..)   for such a confident man like him──–   how come it was easy to crumble away his defenses when it came to him?   why now?   it's truly frustrating.   damned the aeons,,   nico had instead leaned over and pulled the taller's shirt to match his level.   now kissing him once again.


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @knightest  )
            〝  is that what you'd really want﹖ " zera asked as a means to confirm that the knight wanted was he asked for.  the ravenette didn't want to do anything that would cross nico's boundaries and opted to patiently wait for his response before he did anything else