
Tagged by @alex6er
          	1: Single? 》Yes.《
          	2: Crushing? 》Celebs.《
          	3: Fav. Food? 》Fries.《
          	4: Fav. Color? 》Decent ones.《
          	5: Fav. Music? 》No specific kind but Remix.《
          	6: Fav. Band? 》Imagine Dragons I think.《
          	7: Talents? 》Writing.《
          	8: In Love? 》Will Poulter...don't judge me...《
          	9: Hobbies? 》Internet, reading, writing, TV.《
          	10: Gamer? 》If I could YES.《
          	11: Swag/Emo scene? 》No.《
          	12: Long/short Hair? 》Long.《
          	13: Height? 》1,77m. (5'7ft)《
          	14: Jacket/Hoodie? 》Jacket.《
          	15: Eye color? 》Brown.《
          	16: Hair color? 》Dark blonde/brown.《
          	17: Shirt color? 》Bordeaux.《
          	18: Jeans/Shorts? 》Jeans.《
          	19: Married? 》Not yet.《
          	20: Kids? 》No(t yet).《
          	21: Divorced? 》Hopefully never.《
          	22: Still do wet the best? 》What?《
          	23: Had/have depression? 》No.《
          	24: Daydreaming? 》Too often.《
          	25: Thoughts about food? 》It's a hated love.《
          	26: Someone you love? 》I repeat: WILL POULTER.《
          	27: Someone you hate? 》Umbridge & Wicked.《
          	28: Dream Job? 》Author or/and Actress.《
          	29: Got Tattoos/Piercings? 》Piercings.《
          	30: Worst day of your life? 》Not happend yet.《
          	31: Best day of your life? 》Not happend yet.《
          	32: Biggest fear? 》SPIDERS & being forgotten.《
          	I nominate @Ann_Obrien and @aanderhalden


Tagged by @alex6er
          1: Single? 》Yes.《
          2: Crushing? 》Celebs.《
          3: Fav. Food? 》Fries.《
          4: Fav. Color? 》Decent ones.《
          5: Fav. Music? 》No specific kind but Remix.《
          6: Fav. Band? 》Imagine Dragons I think.《
          7: Talents? 》Writing.《
          8: In Love? 》Will Poulter...don't judge me...《
          9: Hobbies? 》Internet, reading, writing, TV.《
          10: Gamer? 》If I could YES.《
          11: Swag/Emo scene? 》No.《
          12: Long/short Hair? 》Long.《
          13: Height? 》1,77m. (5'7ft)《
          14: Jacket/Hoodie? 》Jacket.《
          15: Eye color? 》Brown.《
          16: Hair color? 》Dark blonde/brown.《
          17: Shirt color? 》Bordeaux.《
          18: Jeans/Shorts? 》Jeans.《
          19: Married? 》Not yet.《
          20: Kids? 》No(t yet).《
          21: Divorced? 》Hopefully never.《
          22: Still do wet the best? 》What?《
          23: Had/have depression? 》No.《
          24: Daydreaming? 》Too often.《
          25: Thoughts about food? 》It's a hated love.《
          26: Someone you love? 》I repeat: WILL POULTER.《
          27: Someone you hate? 》Umbridge & Wicked.《
          28: Dream Job? 》Author or/and Actress.《
          29: Got Tattoos/Piercings? 》Piercings.《
          30: Worst day of your life? 》Not happend yet.《
          31: Best day of your life? 》Not happend yet.《
          32: Biggest fear? 》SPIDERS & being forgotten.《
          I nominate @Ann_Obrien and @aanderhalden


Danke fürs folgen ^^ wie kams und wie hast du den zu mir gefunden?


Mit dem zurück folgen ist kein Ding. Ich folge immer zurück ^^


@ DebbyKnuddel  kein problem und danke, dass du mir zurück gefolgt bist. :) ich hab dich über Theresa gefunden ^