what the hell was i thinking when i made this account in 2014? the 'writers' on here suck legitimate ass and i actually used to think that they were the most amazing works of art known to man, but jfc i was such a gullible little ass wipe that i didn't realize that all of you basic niggas use tHESAME FUCKING THEMES, COVERS, TITLES, AND SUMMARiES. 'water.' neck ass. 'the one where calum and luke make a bet' face ass. 'bullied by harry styles' head ass. fucking shit, like i only come on this bitch ass glitching website to make fun of you foolish dickholes. AND WHY YALL PUT NAMJOON AND JONGDAE AND SHIT AS YOUR COVER WHEN YOU WRITING A FUCKING MUKE STORY LIKE BITCH??? WHERE? DOES? THAT? MAKE? SENSE??
  • fuck you.
  • EntrouApril 5, 2014

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