@storieswillunfold Thank you. A lovely afternoon with one of my oldest friends - and musical collaborators - and his wife. Lots of catching up and nostalgia - a perfect Sunday afternoon. We go back 40 years - the good old 80s. Dom and St Pat's got an affectionate mention. As for the web site... oh, sod it until the morning, I need to do something productive with the last of today. I hope you got your work prep done and enjoyed meeting your sister. And finally, I hope you found time to do some writing - if not - stop reading this drivel from me and go and write a hundred words. And then, since you have the momentum now, find another fifty. Just a suggestion. If it helps to know, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Have a great week!

@fourstringsgood I really hope you do read something out again at a meeting, and I think you should make it whatever length works for the story - everyone was completely caught up in your writing and you got a v loud round of applause! So it was a total success! Thank you for telling me about December. I've listened to it quite a few times now - and yes I see exactly what you mean about the first few lines. I agree with you - synchronicity in action. I feel that a lot about things too - the world is mysterious - reason fails to do it justice - we need to keep open to ideas as much as we can. I had my last full teaching day today. I'm going to Canterbury tomorrow and back on Thursday. I'm taking The Rime of the Ancient Mariner with me (I have an edition with Gustave Dore illustrations)... And another coincidence is that both of our stories are so linked with the sea (•‿•)

Yes, really good to see you yesterday evening. Thanks for your kind words. If I ever read anything again at another meeting it will be much shorter. AaE had a rather brief taste of fame in 1987-88 and then vanished.I think their mix of goth and hippy sensibilities happened at just the right time for me. Can I direct you another of their songs: December. Listen carefully to the first few lines and you might understand why I got a small shiver of coincidence and connection when I happened upon it yesterday. A rather similar feeling to when I've just typed a word which I then immediately hear on the radio or television. Which does seem to happen a lot. Anyway, I look forward to speaking at greater length soon.

@fourstringsgood it was good to actually speak tonight. I thought your story was superb, and your delivery was great - wow. What a brilliant idea ... I listened to Martha's Harbour - beautiful! I didn't know it. How did All About Eve escape me??