
night readers time for #agentsofshield


Hey do you mind checking out my newest book? It's called 'who will she choose' it's Jelsa just so you know! 


XD why don't they do emojis?!


We can PM each other if you want


@Cuteoutfit0214 i would really like that except unless its over commenrs or in walls where everyone else can see i dont usually talk to strangers


thank you to all of my readers to whom i am eternally grateful. i have been having a blast writing tomtgra (tales of my twelfth grade romance almost) @summer-time-4-ever and @4ibgrace. it has been such a thrill so far to be taking not just frozen and rise of the guardians but almost all of the animated disney movies you can think of plus sen more animated movies and to turn them into a modern day fairy tale. it has been very challenging but yet very exciting and i am loving almost every moment, except of course the moments when i have righters block. i am  working on being able to publish a new part soon so stay tuned, and to all my followers wether you are part of a fandom or not "don't stop believing."