
Oh boy looking back at all the comments i've made and all the author's notes i wrote, i realize that i was incredibly annoying and weird as heck. Haha, i think i'll leave them there so we can laugh at me together XD


To all my followers:
          Thank you guys so much! I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately, I've been busy (actually most of the time I was just being lazy) but i'll try to update soon. Thanks for encouraging me to keep writing, bye!


Hello followers! (Gosh i hate that word) This is stormfur11 (obviously) and i have a message! I am changing the title of Silverstorm to Silver and Gold, Book 1. Yeah i thought the old title gave away too much XD So if youre looking for my book, DONT SEARCH FOR SILVERSTORM search for Silver and gold!!! (those are my two favorite colors btw) Just wanted to tell you. Bye!


Hey its stormfur11 here!! to all my followers and readers and voters and whatever else you can think of, thank you!! i dont think ive uploaded since like, 2012. thanks for being patient becuase right now im doing construction on my old chapters and its taking a while. some parts i am totally taking out so you might wanna reread it in case you forgot the whole plot (like me lol) and i will be updating soon!! :'D And a brand new chapter too, not just edits!! YAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!
          Gotta get back to work, bye!