
For those who don't wanna read the long ass paragraph:
          	Deleting Wattpad from my phone, will still have access on laptop.


In all honesty.. I don't do much on here. I don't post or update anything and really just rarely ready anything on this platform, and I sincerely apologize. I will, however, still have access to this on my computer, but no longer my phone!
          If you wish to see more stories, you can go to my ao3 which is shootingstarxp
          Or if you'd like you can find me on Twitter/X (I prefer to call it Twitter still.)
          I have 3 accounts on there
          1. My main which I dont really post things on there anymore (The user is currently sillycrow_)
          2. My alt account (starrxo_) [this account MIGHT become private, but idk yet)
          3. My agere/petre account (shootingstarxp_)
          Anywho, that should be all-
          Thank-you all so much for the support and love and everything, but I just haven't been able to get on here in a while (same with ao3)!
          If I remember, and if I finish any new W.I.P stories, I will put them on ao3 and MAYBE here, but we'll see!
          I love you all! Tysm 
          Have a lovely day, noon, evening, and/or night!! xx 
          ~star ☆


Oh my gods- I feel horrible for not updating stories and whatnot, but hello people! 
          I keep forgetting I have Wattpad tbh- I read stories on ao3 more than I do on Wattpad now, but yk- I am working on getting an ao3 account (ahh/pos) but the waiting list is quite long- haha-/lh
          I will try my best to work on stories here and everything too. Nonetheless, I do have things outside of my stories and projects that also need time, especially figuring out myself and my priorities. 
          That's important.
          But yeah! Just thought I'd update yall, make sure you know I'm still alive and things are in the works- just.. slowly-
          I apologize sincerely T~T
          ~ m o u s e ♡


@stormykissess I have an ao3 account nooowww :o


          I just published the first chapter to a new story (you should check it out, it's called Just Friends.. All Jokes!/nf)
          And there's already 1 view on it?!??! WHO. WHO IS THIS ONE VIEWER ALREADY?! WHO IS STALKING ME/lh/nsrs


Hello everyone! I simply wanted to apologize for the lack of updating and writing and whatnot. I was originally busy with school and moving, but now I am on summer break. I don't write online often anymore, but I am working on a project that will be moved to online asap. 
          I have been stressed to the max and have been questioning a lot of things. I will however not get into detail about that, but just know that more is coming soon, I am just taking some time. I do apologize sincerely though and I hope you understand :)
          Love Yours Truly,
          Karl :o 


Ello my dudes, dudettes, and doodles<3
          As, some of you may knowwww,
          Dream has face revealed now! And he quite the handsome boy, we still need to respect that he IS a person and he has feelings. 
          I, myself, and the rest of the system is very happy that he finally did this, even after Technoblade(rest in piece, king<3).
          I hope to see more content from him soon and hopefully see IRL content and his face a bit more, though I know he will not be using face cam much, I still hope to see more of him, George, and Sapnap :)
          I know he's not a kid, or anything like that, but again.. I'm quite proud of him for doing this. He did not have to, but he wanted to, and he stuck with it and I for sure would not have the courage to do so.
          (if you know our tiktok account or know us irl, you've seen our face, but we dont like showing it often)
          Anywho, love you all, have a good day, noon, and/or night! Sleep well and be you<3 Bye-Bye luvs<3


Hello guys, gals, and other gendered pals! 
          I just wanted to say that I have huge writers block right now and cannot find good times to write stories! I'm working on so many and it's just difficult! I hope you can understand!
          Take care and stay safe!
          Your enby pal,


Hello everyone! I am terribly sorry for the delays on most(or all)stories! I truly am very sorry, but I am currently going through things, busy with school, and working on multiple different stories..
          Most of my stories, I am planning on discontinuing or rewriting. And yes, I mean MOST of them..
          Again, I am horribly sorry and I hope you guys understand and hope yall arent mad or upset with me! I am trying my best to write all of these stories as fast as possible, but I just cant and most of them will not get updated until I feel like updating it!
          For over half my stories, I am not sure what to write or where to leave it off, or, what really.. Its hard to decide anything especially when you have story ideas in your head, but cant seem to type it or write it or when you're very indesicive! Truly is annoying.
          Again, I hope yall understand!
          Have a good day/noon/night! Take care! Thank-you all for everything! <3