
I'm happy to announce chapter 41 of Leap of Faith has been published. Just what did Lindsey say to Louis? Read all about it. Go on, do it!


New chapter of Leap of Faith is up. Even though I don't always meet my 500 words a day writing challenge, I've posted three chapters so far this month, so I'm happy. Hope you enjoy it; please leave comments. Thank you and if you celebrate any holidays this time of year, I hope they are the best!


@story0fmylife24  update pls. thanks!


Hi everyone! I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've updated. I'm dealing with some medical issues right now. I'm feeling better for the moment, but need some more testing done so that my doctors can determine what our next steps should be.
          In addition to that, things have not been going well at my job, so I've been putting in a lot of hours just trying to hold on. 
          All that said, the next chapter is probably about 1/2 way done AND I'm going to challenge myself to write at least 500 words a day this month. If I can do that, the next chapter may be up in just a few days. I am struggling with exactly how I want to tell this next piece as I feel very protective of my characters and this is likely to ignite disdain but we'll see where they lead me (and my readers).
          As always, thank you for your patience and your support. I can't wait to share the rest of this story with you!


@regimm thank you so much!


@story0fmylife24 the most important thing is to take time for yourself and take care of you! 


Hello there! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. It was so difficult to go back to work today! Anyway, I just wanted to give a couple of quick updates:
          First and foremost, THANK YOU for 190,000 reads on Imperfectly Perfect. Your support amazes me on a regular basis and I genuinely appreciate it!
          Secondly, I have started the next chapter of Leap of Faith. I am re-reading some of my old work because there will be a conversation between Harlin and I don't want to contradict things I've said in the past. Being the perfectionist that I am, I realize I should have just kept logs of important items and it's all I can do not to start that now but it will be a fairly massive undertaking. Maybe AFTER this chapter update, eh?
          Have a fantastic day!