
@Anything1D No problem :D 


Guys, I'm sorry with the like no updating! I kno what you're thinking. It's summer! She should be updating all the time! I honestly wish I could, but, I have the worst caase of writers block, and my weekends are full with me up my cottage which doesn't have any internet connection... Unless I go to the trailer park, but the internets slower then slow there, and I can't bring up my laptop. I know this doesn't really make up for me never updating, but I'm really trying to update. So so so sorry guys!


Thanks a shitload for commentin' on my story AND fannin' my stupid ass, dude! :') That makes you a very freakin' awesome person! Almost as awesome as a unicorn! Now that is pretty damn awesome:3 
          But seriously mate, I really do freakin' appreciate it. It means a hell of a lot to me!
          *Gives awesome cookies*
          I fanned ya back, 'cause I'm just that freakin' cool;))
          Thanks again bro! Catch ya laterrrrr♥