
          	I mentioned getting a Mac at little while ago & have been working on my newest story since I lost all of my progress with all of my other stories which sucks, like a lot.
          	I recently just started rereading WTBBMTBG (edited version) because it's what my followers seem to love/be here for. & even though I nearly finished editing it and originally planned on posting the sequel I made when I was like 17 lol (edited, of course) I've been debating doing it ALL OVER AGAIN, so I can give you guys a completed story - especially for my followers that have been here since my Quizilla days (God, I miss that site). But yeah, let me know what you think & if it would be worth it for me to write it for a third god damn time haha!


          I mentioned getting a Mac at little while ago & have been working on my newest story since I lost all of my progress with all of my other stories which sucks, like a lot.
          I recently just started rereading WTBBMTBG (edited version) because it's what my followers seem to love/be here for. & even though I nearly finished editing it and originally planned on posting the sequel I made when I was like 17 lol (edited, of course) I've been debating doing it ALL OVER AGAIN, so I can give you guys a completed story - especially for my followers that have been here since my Quizilla days (God, I miss that site). But yeah, let me know what you think & if it would be worth it for me to write it for a third god damn time haha!


So my laptop is unfortunately completely fried. I’ve been sick for over a week now & my laptop managed to break on the exact same day it all started. So finally having enough energy to visit the lovely Greek Squad over at Best Buy I was informed that it would cost $600+ to fix my laptop, to which the lovely man told me it would be in my best interest to just buy a new one. He also was kind enough to let me know they’d be having a sale around November 21st, so until then I have no way to continue writing or even access all my typed stories hehe. Which is honestly driving me mad. That being said I’m praying that I will easily be able to transfer all my data over to my new laptop when I acquire it and continue working on my current/old stories & work on my new ones that I’ve yet to post. 
          Cheers to one of the worst weeks of my life 


          I've been working on WTBBMTBG still but I find myself struggling and getting writer's block occasionally. So whenever I've been struggling I've been working on another story I started months ago but just recently posted on Wattpad. This story means a lot to me and I really enjoy writing it because I'm trying to make my main character more... Shy, naive and such since my main characters tend to have attitudes and be sarcastic.
          So it's been different for me but I'm enjoying it. But if you're interested in a bit of a different, wild story please check it out!
          It's called 'A Secret Legacy' (I really struggled on a title so it may change) but I really love where I've been going with it and I think it's somewhat unique!
          So check it out!


Hey guys!
          I've been making a fair amount of progress with re-writing/editing WTBBMTBG and I'm adding new scenes/changes to make it a bit more interesting so please check it out!
          I'm not crazy about how I ended the original so I'm not sure if I want to post the ending or not (I believe that would be the next chapter/ending).
          Voting and commenting is definitely motivation to continue working on this work of art? Haha. I'm having a bit of writer's block with some of the newer scenes but I really hope you enjoy and are still committed!
          It means so much to me. Thank you <3


Holy crap, I finally found my old Wattpad account from when I left Quizilla and was finally able to log on. SO I guess I'm back guys?! If there's any of you left LOL. I have to say my writing skills have probably dramatically increased but I do have another Wattpad account which I'll probably transfer my works over to this account.
          If you guys are interested let me know! hehe, if there's any of you left!