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Hello everyone! WOW I wasn't expecting so many people to still be following my account after so long, but welcome to the page! I haven't written in quite a while, but I appreciate all of you regardless! Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet <3 How have you all been doing? If you're in school, I hope this summer gives you a chance to breathe and rest after a long school year. If you're busy with things in your personal life, I hope you find time to take care of yourself and do something that makes you happy too <3 I know that's something I've had to learn for myself this year, especially when it comes to getting enough sleep haha ALSO Happy Pride Month! I completely forgot to say that during my last update post, but it's never too late to celebrate love and being who you are <3 As an ally, I hope you all know that this is a safe space and that anyone is welcome, and no hate or discrimination is tolerated here. Thankfully I haven't come across too much of that in my time here, but it doesn't hurt to emphasize that! As for me, I'm going to try and check my account more this summer! I'm still going to be really busy, but I'm curious to see what's changed since I've been away. And of course I want to get to know all you new folks! Maybe if I have time, I'll be able to finish writing that fourth chapter of my story...but we'll see! There's plenty of summer to go hehe Wishing you health and happiness in your life, hope to talk to you guys again soon! Lots of love <3 Please leave a comment in this forum if you want to contact me, I'll try to check DMs but this is the first thing I usually check! See you soon <3

Hello everyone! WOW I wasn't expecting so many people to still be following my account after so long, but welcome to the page! I haven't written in quite a while, but I appreciate all of you regardless! Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet <3 How have you all been doing? If you're in school, I hope this summer gives you a chance to breathe and rest after a long school year. If you're busy with things in your personal life, I hope you find time to take care of yourself and do something that makes you happy too <3 I know that's something I've had to learn for myself this year, especially when it comes to getting enough sleep haha ALSO Happy Pride Month! I completely forgot to say that during my last update post, but it's never too late to celebrate love and being who you are <3 As an ally, I hope you all know that this is a safe space and that anyone is welcome, and no hate or discrimination is tolerated here. Thankfully I haven't come across too much of that in my time here, but it doesn't hurt to emphasize that! As for me, I'm going to try and check my account more this summer! I'm still going to be really busy, but I'm curious to see what's changed since I've been away. And of course I want to get to know all you new folks! Maybe if I have time, I'll be able to finish writing that fourth chapter of my story...but we'll see! There's plenty of summer to go hehe Wishing you health and happiness in your life, hope to talk to you guys again soon! Lots of love <3 Please leave a comment in this forum if you want to contact me, I'll try to check DMs but this is the first thing I usually check! See you soon <3

Heyyy how are you??? Bro I haven't been active on here in YEARS. I miss youuu I hope you're doing amazing! ✨

@Shadow-Dragon02 Thank you, I'm glad you had a great time in Paris! It's such a popular city, I'm not surprised that the lines were so long, but I'm happy you got to visit a lot of great places. It's wild to think that some of the architecture in Europe is centuries older than the entire US. And you tried ratatouille, yay!!! I'm sure there were lots of other great dishes there too :) LMAO I'm cool with messaging on dms, we'll be able to talk either way so no worries!

@storylover888 girl I’m soooo glad u had fun on your two! I’m actually at the airport on my way out of Paris rn and it’s the biggest most crowded place I’ve ever been! Just the security line takes like hoursss and my feet HURT from standing for a king long long time. To answer ur questions! My favorite part of France was prolly this city I don’t remember what it’s called lmaoo but I got to see a real castle. The castle Mary of Scotland had to go to as a young girl to marry Francis. King Henry and queen Catherine’s castle. I took so many aesthetic pictures and I love them. I DID try ratatouille! It was soooo good. I tried so many french food. I hope you’re doing awesome! Also, I just noticed that we’re writing in ur public message board. Should we send private messages on dm? Lmaooo

@Shadow-Dragon02 AHH Sorry for not responding, work kept me busy and exhausted for the past few weeks. I actually just went on the trip recently! I went to Las Vegas with my friends, we had a really good time even though it was super hot outside haha <3 The food was delicious and I definitely enjoyed exploring the city! I haven't been there in ages so it was extra special for me :) YAYYY SHE MADE IT TO FRANCE!! I'm so happy you're having fun there, and you should absolutely try living abroad! What's your favorite part of France so far? Europe has so many different countries and cities to explore so I can see why you're excited to move there. Have you tried any specific dishes or desserts there? I've tried ratatouille before (mainly because of the movie haha), but I've always been curious about how it tastes different when its traditionally made. It's just a mixed veggie dish, but it's delicious and comforting, so I hope you have a chance to try it when you're there! Safe travels!!

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all safe and healthy, especially with everything that’s happened during the pandemic and such. I know this account has been pretty empty for a while (my stories have been collecting dust for the past THREE years), but I still remember all the wonderful authors and lovely readers I’ve met since I joined Wattpad. I’ve grown up a lot since then, and my personal life has gotten busier and more exciting than I could’ve imagined. I honestly don’t know when I’ll be back to make stories, but I’ll do my best to check in with you all when I’m able to!! I’m still keeping the door open in case I have time to write again, but until then, I just wanted to say thank you again for being such wonderful people! I don’t even know if anyone will read this message (considering it’s been forever since I was online), but if you do, I hope you’re doing well <3 I know life has been difficult and scary this past year or so, but you’ve made it so far! We all have. Don’t forget to rest and take care of yourselves, and I’m sending you all virtual hugs!!! See you soon <3 PS Sometimes I check this community page, so if you leave a message here I’ll try to respond whenever I can <3

@bigmistakeTM OMGGG HI MEI, I’m doing great!! I hope you’re doing super great too, I don’t check Wattpad much but I’m happy to hear from you! Wishing you all the best <3

@storylover888 i almost never check this site anymore but i’m glad i did!!! I HOPE YOU’RE DOING SUPER GREAT AS WELL!!

HEYYYY how's it's going?? :D

@_Midnight__Snacks_ ALSO I just saw the notifications that you tagged me in some chapters for “The Dani Diaries”, but I couldn’t see them for some reason. Did you end up taking it down from your account? If you did it’s all good, and thank you regardless! <3 Sorry I didn’t see any of those mentions sooner :(

@_Midnight__Snacks_ Hi Dani! I’ve been doing great, thank you for checking in with me! I hope you and your family are doing well, and that everyone is staying safe and healthy <3 I’ve been focusing on school and my personal life, and last year was definitely a wild ride, but things have gotten much better nowadays! I also wanted to say congrats for your growth as an author, I’m so happy for you!!! Your success is so well earned, and I hope more readers find your talent in the future! How have you been doing otherwise? Thank you for reaching out, I hope all is well <3<3<3

@CountryLover04 Hi!!!!! I miss you tons and tons too, thank you so much for checking in! I already said this to your sister Em, but I haven't been on my account in a while because I've been focusing on my studies. But I'm doing fine, and I'm so surprised and grateful that you guys still remember me! It means so much, especially since I've been away for so long. I wish i had more time to be on here, but I'll do my best to check in every once in a while (instead of every two years hahaha). But I hope you and your family are all safe and happy!!!!!! I hope you guys are doing okay too <3

Heeeeyyy how you been doing??

@storylover888 me and my family have been doing good during all this. We make the best out if it by planning stuff like we had a 2 day carnival where we played carnival activities and made homemade carnival treats and meals and watched the greatest showman and other movies that are like carnivals and yeah we had other fun days too. It was so fun:) but then again, some days also have been horrible but we are getting through it. Im glad your summer break has been great. What have you been doing?

@Shadow-Dragon02 I understand, college is a big change. But everything will all work out! Making an effort to stay positive is a good step :) Quarantine has been slow but chaotic simultaneously? I don't know if that makes total sense, but it does feel strange some days lol. But summer break has been nice! What about you?

@Shadow-Dragon02 yeah I've actually been super stressed about collage and growing up and leaving my family and stuff but In trying to hold on and stay positive. Doesnt work all the time but it does sometimes lol how has quarantine been for you?:)

How are you doing. I MISS YOU. ♥

OMG HI I MISS YOU TOO I'm so so so sorry for being MIA, and for not replying sooner. I'm doing wonderful! I'm just really busy because of schoolwork, I promise I'll come back soon! Hope you and your sisters are doing well, thank you for not forgetting about me

Shoutouts Part 3 @SasaTieday (I'm honored to be your first follower haha), @chelseahall77 (If you're in any fandoms, you could try writing short stories about them! I think that would be a fun topic to try, or just practice your writing skills :D), @theblondbeauty16 (Another GMW fan! I can see that you're an obvious Lucaya fan haha, I've recently boarded that ship too!), @RealBonnieBunny (two demigods for the price of one account!! Cool! It must be an interesting dynamic to share an account together XD), @Catrina_Ollidutsa (What's it like to live in the Philippines? I've always wanted to go visit!), @arnett9 (if you ever need any suggestions for good books to read, let me know! There are so many book series that I could recommend lol), @tsun_tsun_army (Are you still a 5SOS fan? If so, favorite song(s) and band member?). THANK YOU FOR THE FOLLOWS! Thank you all again, it means a lot that I've gotten to meet such wonderful people on here! I'm going to be offline again for a while, but leave me messages on here! I'll try and read them as soon as possible. If I don't respond right away, I apologize, but I do read everything! Thank you guys, much love~ ALSO GO FOLLOW @Animal_Lover05, let's get my girl to 1K followers!!!!!!

@storylover888 tbh main kpop xd like bts, exo, blackpink and I also watch a lot of anime

@tsun_tsun_army Cal is my favorite, too! Their new songs are pretty good, but I agree with your choices too :) What fandoms are you in now, then?

@storylover888 aah no I’m kinda out of the fandom but my fav band member is calum and favorite song either green light, lost in reality, Independence Day, out of my limit and try hard cx

Shoutouts Part 2 @aliciamusa222 (Your profile picture is so cute!!!!), @Zoey_Rivers (I hope this doesn't sound random, but I really like the name Zoey :D), @jaredkleinman (Be More Chill is such a good musical! I was kind of behind on learning about it, but the songs are amazing!), @Ayshaawesome111 (books are my lifeblood, I 100% agree with you), @Dragoncheesecake (I'm sorry that my response to your follow is so late, and you'll probably never see this since you deactivated the account. But thank you so much for the follow!!), @Animal_Lover05 (OMG HI! Your older sisters are so sweet, it's awesome to meet you!), @labrinthdolans (They came back from their hiatus and I'm so happy!!!!), @itsLevOhsa (MARVEL WOOOO! No IW spoilers though, still haven't seen it lol), @Night_Princesses03 (the cow in your profile picture is so adorable! Awww), @MrHorrorZone (I wasn't originally into horror, but I'm slowly getting used to jumpscares. IT was a good movie, though!!), @girlmeetlucaya (I used to be a Rucas girl, but as more time passes, Lucaya has definitely grown on me!! Now I like Lucaya more, but Joshaya is still my main ship though haha), @MLGRed (OMG ANOTHER FIVE KINGDOMS FAN YESSSSS, I haven't read Time Jumpers yet. Was it a good ending? Also who do you ship?), @Allison_Cam (that's so cool that you can speak French and English! I don't know how to speak French, but it's a beautiful language!), @Books_Forever2003 (I don't dislike the Caleo ship, but I feel like Calypso changed to the point where I don't like her as much as I did before. Would you prefer the Leyna ship then? XD), @mylilseaweedbrain (I LOVE YOUR USERNAME OMG!!! Also, books are so amazing, the world would definitely be less fun and mystical without them!) Part 3 ^