
If you feel like slashing someone's tires...
          	Remember to slash 3 instead of 4 because insurance only covers 4


this message may be offensive
@straight_but_gay you responded to yourself dumbass


My email is no longer existent so I can’t message you I mean we can talk on here but not on Gmail


@straight_but_gay i didn’t I think the school did cause I can’t even log into my parent portal


@Cxttagecxre_Lesbian what  why did u delete ur email


hey hey hey !! beautiful person award !! once you are given this award, you pass it to 8 people's message board who you think deserves it. :> nothing happens if you break the chain, but I think its sweet to know that someone appreciates your beauty. both heart and visage.


If you feel like slashing someone's tires...
          Remember to slash 3 instead of 4 because insurance only covers 4


this message may be offensive
@straight_but_gay you responded to yourself dumbass


this message may be offensive
Yo girl did something fucking amazing and stupid....


Your so cute UWU


welcome to ye olde culte
          key info.
          thyn master be @CareforsomeTae. thou must refer so thyn master only as master so as to show thyne respect and loyalty.
          i beeth thou Mother Superior. thy name beeth Mother Never Ending Story, however thou may may be permitted unto opt so as to caall me by ''mother nes'.
          thyne olde culte name beeth 'The Satanic Sisterhood Of Lord Belphagor'.
          the hierarchy works as follows;
          you answer unto me, as mother superior i am of hier rank.
          we both answer unto our master.
          all of us and our master annswer unto Lord Belphagor (daemon of slothe)
          Lord Belphagor is of connection to the seven deadly sins, and as so The Satanic Sisterhood Of Lord Belphagor, our master, our representative sin and the other six of his circle answer unto our god, Satan.  Lucifer. 
          thyne sisters are:
          Mother Never Ending Story (mother nes - me)
          Sister Stan Namtiddies ( @ecia_pecia666 )
          Sister Pinkie Jiminie ( @pinkiejiminie )
          Sister Innocent ( @Chaotic_Lesbain )
          Sister Shortie (you)
          p.s. im proud of myself i learned everyones usernames off by heart <3


@CareforsomeTae oml yess ikkrr ttthhheeee cccuullltt iiss groowwwiinnnggg
            @pinkiejiminie lmao u dont even know the half of it, and sure


@-_nes_- you should be proud bro


@-_nes_- wait, can I be sister lust?