I don't know if this is considered offensive, but tbh I'm so concerned about this that I'm going to push my fear of offending someone aside.
So I'm 14 years old, ok, and I've never had an issue in school. In elementary, I was considered a gifted kid and once I moved to public schools with a GPA I've averaged a 3.9-4.0 for 4 years now. So my school won't test me for this.
I am genuinely convinced I am autistic. I took the RAADS-R test, which is 65+ you are likely autistic, and ended up with a 169.. I've taken a lot of other quizzes on less reliable sites and it always comes up as 'oh yeah, definitely autistic. Go get that diagnosed.' I talked to my school counselor about it but she said I was probably just tricking myself into thinking I am, cause a lot of neurotypical people can relate to the general symptoms? of autism. At first, I was like, yes that's definitely it, but the more research I did, the more people I talked to, the more I paid attention to myself and thought about my childhood, the more convinced I've been that I'm autistic. Plus, many people have been saying that autism is something that when you self-diagnose, you are almost always correct. Not sure if that's true it's just what people online with autism told me.
I think my main problem now is, how do I talk to my parents about it? My mom is unintentionally judgy, she speaks about how 'lucky' our family is that we didn't end up with disorders or health problems. In reality, at least I know I've probably had multiple and she just never got me diagnosed because she didn't want to admit we weren't a perfect family. And my dad, isn't judgy, but is very ignorant in some ways and will probably think that I'm a different person or that things will change about me once I'm diagnosed. Does anyone know how I could bring this conversation up to them, what would convince them that being diagnosed would do good for me, and most of all what I should do to make the diagnosis process go smoothly?