this message may be offensive
Okay. It's been a while. Hello! I hope anyone who's reading this is doing well!
(Just an FYI, I'm gonna go over a lot and mention SH briefly soooo... you've been warned.)
I've been wanting to do this for a while, to kinda just explain what's been up with me and why I've kinda gone radio silent on this app.
Basically, for background, I made this account my sophomore year of high school. Almost four years ago now. And honestly? The person I was then isn't the person I am now. Me back when I created this account was confused, depressed, and responding to anything remotely inconvenient by slicing open any part of myself I could. It's evidenced clearly by my stories on this account. So many of them, most if not all of them, talk about self harm in some manner, because it was such a huge part of my life at the time, and writing was how I was coping with those thoughts.
But now? Now I've grown up a lot, and gotten a LOT healthier mentally. And honestly? This account, these stories, aren't really something I intend to finish anymore. Because the part of me that had the drive to do them just isn't as active anymore.
Now, don't get me wrong, I still write. I write almost as much as I did when I wrote most of my Mallory Winston stuff. But I barely write anything on this account anymore; I use my second account as the storage place for all my writing. My writing style and the content of my writing has changed drastically. I don't even really write Green Day stuff anymore. I'm still a fan and all, my fanfic tastes have just changed a lot. I don't really read on Wattpad anymore, mostly on AO3 now.
Basically, posting regularly (or honestly at all) on this account just doesn't really happen anymore.
So I felt like I owe the few of you who actually give a shit about any of my unfinished stories an explanation. I know I had said I'd finish them, specially my Mallory Winston one, but I just can't promise that anymore.