For anyone who participated in the March of Our Lives, I give support. I didn't get the chance to do anything to help that movement, but this week at my school a person had a gun(with no bullets) and I realized that it can happen to any school in America even mine. I know no one will see this, but if anyone does, gun violence needs to stop and not just in schools, anywhere in America. It's ridiculous how anywhere that has a big audience can be a target schools, concerts, movie theaters, restaurants, homes, and anywhere. Why do students, movie lovers, eaters, where people LIVE have to deal with this? I'm sorry I'm just so angry and I haven't dealt with any gun violence in my life. And anyone who has I am saddened that you have to deal with the trauma of that moment because nothing is happening politically! To anyone who follows me and doesn't live in America I am sorry, but this is happening where I live and it is very important to me. We need to have peace, not violence. We need to be unified, not being able to buy an assault weapon legal. Have a nice day :)