
Shirbert is the best ship.


@stranger_in_time Younger self, season one shirbert was better, but it really is the best ship.


Holy heck Discordant is 4 views to 900. What the frick? And after that 100 to a thousand?! What the heck? Thank you everyone for reading my story, you don't need to vote or put it on a reading list or comment. Reading is all you need to do and I'll be happy.
          I haven't been writing chapters and I feel really bad. I love you guys. I would give you all hugs if you were in front of me.
          Also, watch Ready Player One if you can because it is an amazing film and if you can read the book also.


For anyone who participated in the March of Our Lives, I give support. I didn't get the chance to do anything to help that movement, but this week at my school a person had a gun(with no bullets) and I realized that it can happen to any school in America even mine. I know no one will see this, but if anyone does, gun violence needs to stop and not just in schools, anywhere in America. It's ridiculous how anywhere that has a big audience can be a target schools, concerts, movie theaters, restaurants, homes, and anywhere. Why do students, movie lovers, eaters, where people LIVE have to deal with this? I'm sorry I'm just so angry and I haven't dealt with any gun violence in my life. And anyone who has I am saddened that you have to deal with the trauma of that moment because nothing is happening politically! To anyone who follows me and doesn't live in America I am sorry, but this is happening where I live and it is very important to me. We need to have peace, not violence. We need to be unified, not being able to buy an assault weapon legal. Have a nice day :)


@toomuchwork20 I know it's ridiculous.  Thank you for hearing my voice I really appreciate it ❤


@stranger_in_time this is so true though