
I SURVIVEDDDD. Oh bless. I'm back into writing Burnt!! Two chapters are up and ready to be read. The rest of the chapters that I've missed out will be up the next week!!


Hello everyone! As said in my recent chapter of Burnt (A11), I will be going through my end-of-year exams which means I will be unable to be as active as usual as I want to focus on my revisions. In return, after my exams are completed, I will publish the chapters I have missed out. I hope everyone understands and I love you all <3


Yoo wassup guys !! I’m deeply sorry that I have been inactive since June , school work caught up with me on the 2nd semester and I couldn’t find the time to edit and write the possible sequel for Burn (if anyone wants it?) . However, after my End-Of-Year exams end (which will be on 10 Oct) , I will be active once again !! And I have also changed my username , it was originally @/Aestheticmccall , for those who might be confused . And do please tell if you’d want a sequel to Burn so I could start planning how the story shall go . Once again , deeply sorry for the inactivity and the name change ❤️