
New book? New MOVIE? What a wonderful time to be a Hunger Games girly


I just wanna write angsty slow burn Gadge with a side of Peeta literally trying to get Gale and Madge to sit in the same room and talk to each other because he thinks they’d be cute together not knowing that the two are already in a way seeing each other 


Someone is reading the entire Broken Pawns series  50+ notifications. RIP to that poor person.


@DivergentGlader67 NO NO DONT BE SORRY, IM JUST AMAZES PEOPLE ARE STILL READING!! I wrote those books years ago and I think they are crappy lol but I am so so glad you’re enjoying them ❤️


            I am actually enjoying it! You write like it is the real book! Seriously become an author. I should probably stop reading since it is 12:40 am but I can't. I just love your story so much and in sorry for you getting lots of notifications when I vote on your chapters. Again you write amazingly.


Alright guys, Chapter 1 has been re-written and posted! I hope you guys enjoy it.


there is no cover for it yet, i haven't found or made one i like yet but that chapter is almost 3k words which is impressive...


Hey guys, long time no see yeah? I honestly forgot all about Wattpad, haven't opened it since December of 2022 lol. I had planned to post a few new Hunger Games stories I had written along with the revised versions of my older stories but I lost my best friend a few days after New Year's Day and I just gave up. I deleted all my new works and logged out of quite a bit of things.  I am back though and I've picked back up writing, it's now a form of therapy for me. It helps me...forget I guess. I would post some of the drabbles I've written recently but I feel like a lot of my mutuals and followers on here are dead and I'm not even sure how many of you guys will see this post. If any of my living supports are alive, do let me know what you guys think.
          Until next time besties <3


            I haven't forgotten and I agree that Wattpad does distract and is like therapy . In the beginning of the year my best friends sibling died and I grieve for her so I somewhat understand. Just know that I am here to talk to.


@strawb3rry_sugar hello, so sorry to hear about your best friend <3 I'm not dead yet so I would read anything you posted.


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Okay okay okay, guys…..I’m fr this time when I say I’m revising the shit out of Broken Pawns and Slide Away, Our story as well. I am going to keep the OG’s up and posted. I am going to make an entirely new version, the 2022-2023 version. How long will it take me to complete this? I got no clue, we are going to find out.

