
this message may be offensive
I am sorry but I don’t know why I am kinda scared when someone asked whether I use Asianfanfics, A03, Tumblr, Neobook and the others more that is basically best friend with Wattpad. Because if I said no, why would you do? Would you reposted my story back on that website/app without any credits? But then my mind stop me, because who would actually admitting my shit works as theirs right? I am just overthinking.
          	By the way I used them all, because I love reading fanfictions since I was practically twelve (that is almost ten years ago, what the hell? times goes really fast) And I have like 500++  amount of storage, that’s why I am not afraid to download their app or save their website, I have nothing to lose.
          	P/S: if you ever posted something on my message board before, I am sorry, I had to delete them all. and I don’t know exactly why I did that, really. my fingers just moved by itself?


this message may be offensive
I am sorry but I don’t know why I am kinda scared when someone asked whether I use Asianfanfics, A03, Tumblr, Neobook and the others more that is basically best friend with Wattpad. Because if I said no, why would you do? Would you reposted my story back on that website/app without any credits? But then my mind stop me, because who would actually admitting my shit works as theirs right? I am just overthinking.
          By the way I used them all, because I love reading fanfictions since I was practically twelve (that is almost ten years ago, what the hell? times goes really fast) And I have like 500++  amount of storage, that’s why I am not afraid to download their app or save their website, I have nothing to lose.
          P/S: if you ever posted something on my message board before, I am sorry, I had to delete them all. and I don’t know exactly why I did that, really. my fingers just moved by itself?