To anyone who happens to find this page,
You might not be so sure how you got here but I can tell you've made a good decision. This girl right here, strawberrie101, AKA Bri, is such an amazing writer and doesn't disappoint. She's amazing at what she does. Even though, she claims that I inspire her; she inspires me more than she can probably imagine. The detail and dedication put into every update is utterly fantastic. But even with that in mind, she beats herself up for it because she isn't getting as many views and she would hope for. It'll take time definitely, hey I only reached my first 100, 8 months after writing a story, but this is also where I challenge you- whoever you may be. Share these stories, comment, like, provide criticism and ways to improve. This girl right here deserves it. Let her know it!
Thanks for reading -
Cheyenne (AKA Rockin_Wallace)