
I am part of the LGBTQ+. I agree with @Unicorn_Blooddd on most of what she posts. Grow up and deal with the fact not everyone is going to accept us. 
          	This is just making us look worse. We are supposed to be loving and accepting. We're no better than the hater if we attack them. Understand that.


Listen. I don’t know what she said exactly. And I get that you have the right to post your opinion, but really? I thought it was beyond disrespectful to fight with someone on their own mb and to actually post a message about it to where everyone can see at the top. I’m sorry, but if you didn’t like what they said. You could have just took your own advice and let it go. My logic is pretty easy to figure out, and I’m not fighting with you about it. But you need to realize that by doing what you did it just makes you as disrespectful as them. Now, I get their are some homophic comments people post, but it’s just one comment on a reading app, and you don’t even know them personally. So please don’t label them.


Don't label them like they labeled Unicorn? 
            Also, the LGBTQ+ community doesn't need defending. We know who we are. We also we are not a comment. 


If you read point. I clearly stated that by arguing with someone like that and being super disrespectful is bad. Not that standing up for community is a bad thing. I just want to clarify.