
I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since I’ve last been here!
          	My stories have been on my mind a bunch lately and I’d really love to finish them, so I think I’ll be updating again when I can!
          	Absolutely shocked that they have so many views, it really means a lot to me that people enjoy my work  I hope those who have stuck around despite this large hiatus enjoy what’s to come!
          	Hope you all have been well!! 


@strawberry-taiyaki Yaaas, she's back, can't wait for ur work girlie


I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since I’ve last been here!
          My stories have been on my mind a bunch lately and I’d really love to finish them, so I think I’ll be updating again when I can!
          Absolutely shocked that they have so many views, it really means a lot to me that people enjoy my work  I hope those who have stuck around despite this large hiatus enjoy what’s to come!
          Hope you all have been well!! 


@strawberry-taiyaki Yaaas, she's back, can't wait for ur work girlie


A fool (me) has finally graduated and will be working on updating all my stories within the next week! 
          Really excited to get back to things, sorry for the massive delay! I feel bad for not posting for so long but it’s so hard to write in your final semesters, I hope those in school finished their year off well! 
          First update will be for the Matsukawa story, then the Sugawara story and maybe some updates for the smut book. I’m also going to be releasing my Akaashi fic which I’m excited for! 
          There’s also a part of me that’s actually kind of glad I did wait to post for the Matsukawa one as I think with my feelings of graduation right now I have the perfect ending in mind (the fic will end with their graduation, the sequel is them midway through college). Though don’t be alarmed—theres still a while til we get there! 
          Much love to you all (о´∀`о)


@strawberry-taiyaki So happy to see you back, congratulations on graduating uni! Cant wait for your amazing writing again, keep up the awesome work!


@strawberry-taiyaki I'm happty to hear you graduated! So proud! Take the time you need, we'll be waiting for you here~


IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! <3 Don’t worry we are so happy for you congratulations! And welcome back!