
My birthday is near. 


@wolfie-star303 When's your birthday? Sry if it was a while ago. Happy birthday though! Wow that rhymed XD


That boy that I saw is not human I called him shadow boy now but ever since I saw him I've been thinking about suicide lately I feel it has to do something with him.  he started making me think of suicide and it's getting worse every day I'm thinking of stabing myself but I hold back he makes me think of running away from home and jumping of somewhere high I scared he is bad if you ever see him in your dreams you need to stop and think about good things in life I feel like it's to late for me but I'm not sure what's going to happen he is around 4.11 feet  he has short hair and that all I can remember I feel like he has something to do with all the stuff that's been happening to me. 


I fell asleep last night on my bed and I awoke on the couch and my back started hurting and I went back to my room but when I was walking I felt like I was being watched I made it to my room and started watching on my phone after a while I heard some sort of knocking on my window I thought it was nothing but then I heard it again I look though the window but there was nothing there I feel I like I'm being watched.  I don't know what to do . 


Hey there! Remember me?


@Lex_Girl_Werewolf I know, I suck at writing story's , and I know that no one reads my story's but I don't care if jut write. 


@Lex_Girl_Werewolf nor do I so I do it on a random bases (idk if that's spelt Wrong, forgive me if it is). My stories are trash anyway. I'm glad people enjoy them though.


@Lex_Girl_Werewolf  I want to update my story's but I got like no time.