Ik no one probably cares but I’m gonna make some changes to the art of loneliness because I don’t really like how it is right now but hopefully it won’t take too long and it’ll be back up soon
Have a good day or night
Ok so the idk how many months king writers block for my book about Daphne Gilmore is finally starting to go away but to continue with the story I wanna make a few changes that’ll make it easier to write but would it complicate things someone please tell me thank you
I can never seem to create a storyline for Jess Mariano that I actually like and it’s pissing me off. Someone give me some ideas I can randomly create into one so I can make a fanfic of him that I actually like and might actually finish
I’ve got fucking Covid and idk if this will mean I’ll update more since I’ve got nothing else to do or if I won’t since I feel like my energy’s been drained. Anyways stay safe