
this message may be offensive
bro i see people voting on my just released chapter and realized that people actually like my writing and wait for updates. fucking wild if you ask me


this message may be offensive
i rewatched ponyo and holy shit that movie is so weird. don’t get me wrong, i absolutely love it, but also literally what the fuck is the plot. magic goldfish falls in love with a human and she drank some of his blood so now she can turn into a human? and her father doesn’t want that so he goes to his giant ocean goddess wife about it?? and they say ponyo and sosuke can be together but only if ponyo relinquishes her power and if sosuke’s love is real??? absolutely buck wild but damn i love it 


current mood: 
          crying while listening to The Truth Untold and looking at photos of me and my old friends 


@kpop_time_bitch ahh it happens, let it out gorl it feels better. Sadly I can never cry for some reason


@stayarmyquacks i believe so
            just kinda the midnight mistakes of scrolling through my camera roll and putting on a depressing playlist 


@kpop_time_bitch a whole mood
            But also
            Are you okay? 


Wow when I laaok at ur information, I think we're mental twins. But I only know French, Dutch, English and a little bit German and suck with music 


@kpop_time_bitch well then I think I can speak Dutch, French, English, Italian, Spanish, German, South African and Korean. 


Niceee. I honestly don’t speak a whole lot of half the languages just some basic sentences or phrases that could get me around  