
It’s been a while since I’ve been here but I’m writing a new book called “when to say goodbye” and it’s going to be a true story but it’ll also be a teen fiction story about love. Make sure to keep an eye out for it!


Hello. Let me get straight to the point by telling u how much I loved the cover you made for Isabella Spencer on her story ' Colourless '. I like it and want u to pls make one for me. Pls?  Pm me if you're interested for it. Nice meeting u and Happy New Month


Thank you for the follow! I read your bio! You sound so amazing!!! 


Haha XD. As thank you!


@williocipher I had an even later reply it's been like a year LOL! OK I can't wait to hear it I'm sure I'll love it!


I'm sorry for the late reply!!!! And awww! Your too sweet ^^- I'll send you my YouTube on just a second! Fair warning, I only have one song, but I am about to post another one. Lol super bad quality haha ^^"


Sorry guys but I closed my cover makers book for a while. I'm sorry it's so sudden, but I was in a place with no wifi for a while and now I am finally online but I have very limited wifi. Also, school is starting soon and I am doing lots of summer courses and summer reading. I will definetly open my book back soon, but if you have any issues please leave a comment below. Once again sorry for the inconvenience. :)