To the people who have either, voted, commented or put our story's on the reading list. We have published Powers Rings and Powered Up on ebook for free, it's abailible on Amazon Kindle, Kobo and Everything Else, Lulu, Apple iBookstore, and Barnes & Nobles NOOK. There combined into one book called, The Power Rings Series (1-4) Volume 1, and it's free!
It would mean the world to us if you could give it a try, if you have a device you could read them on. And give an honest review on which ever site you got it from!
Thank you guys so much for your support and patience. And if you want us to check out more of your stories or have a story on ebook you want us to purchase and give a review on, don't hesitate to let us know!
P.S. We will be publishing Brothers Of Brass in print soon, if you are interested in that let us know on PM since it won't be for the public like Power Rings will be.
Again, thanks and have a good day, night, evening or whatever :)
@-translucent @-buckymoans @cestoryteller @felisleo @_cocainXx @basic-trash @Queen_Pique @luminousink @jaspered @cooltimi123 @twoeyedkid @redxwritingxhood @xUndead-War-Childx @Miz_Gold @MiaSousa @snowybook @_Grayson23_ @tessabridger @tellmeaboutyou @ReigningDesire @richardknightwalker @cornellxCharity