So last Thursday, my older sister (who for the purpose of making this easy will be referred to as A) broke her leg. She was obviously upset about this and about the fact that she had to come stay here with us while she heals. She came home on Sunday and within 10 minutes, was yelling at everyone trying to help her. On Monday (which was her birthday) these are some of the things I did that pissed her off, I had the audacity to have my laptop in my room (she needed to use it for something) and wouldn't go get it because I was watching Penny, I tried to help her up the stairs, I am sitting in the living room where she is lying on the couch, I glanced up at her (she moved and I wanted to make sure that she was fine).Yesterday, we were watching a show and I turned to her to make a comment about something that just happened (I was smiling) and she snapped at me thinking I was laughing at her. I told her not to yell at me, and then she told me that she told me she has the right to be upset and I told she didn't have the right to treat me like crap. And today just got worse. I was sitting in the living room, minding my own business when my older sister (who I'm just going to refer to as A to make it easier) asks me to spend most of the day in my room or to go to the library. I told her that I didn't want to spend most of my time in my room because it makes me feel like I'm being punished for something when I've done nothing wrong. A then gets mad at me for not leaving the living room. We get into a fight and harsh words are thrown from both of us. I swear I'm trying to ignore her and not take anything she says to heart but she just said that I want her to go through surgery so she can feel the pain I felt when I through surgery. That is the last thing I want, I want to her to get healed so she can get back to her life the way she wants to. (continued in comments)