
; New icon, need a change anyway.


Dick  was  cooking  along  with  his  brothers  ,  he  would  grab  the  can  opener  from  one  of  the  drawers  and  would  begin  to  open  a  can  of  tomato  sauce  ,  as  he  was  doing  it  some  of  the  sauce  would  fly  out  and  hit  Jason  in  his  torso  area  .  Dick  tries  not  to  laugh  as  he  sees  Jason  glaring  at  him  .  ❝  Whoops  ?  ❞


this message may be offensive
            Jason  would  flip  Dick  off  by  showing  him  his  middle  finger  .  ❝  Fuck  you  ,  Dick  and  just  wait  .  .  .  I'll  get  my  revenge  .  ❞  Jason  adds  before  leaving  to  switch  shirts  .


Conner  was  sitting  on  one  of  the  leather  couches  at  the  Wayne  mansion  waiting  for  Jason  to  wake  up  who  is  laying  next  to  him  ,  sleeping  .  He  hums  softly  to  himself  ,  carefully  not  waking  Jason  up  .  After  a  few  minutes  have  passed  ,  Conner  would  see  Jason  stir  in  his  sleep  then  suddenly  wake  up  .  ❝  Bad  dream  again  ?  ❞


            Jason  breaths  heavily  ,  covered  in  sweat  .  He  looks  over  at  Conner  and  nods  .  ❝  Yeah  ,  it's  always  the  same  one  .  Me  reliving  the  worse  moment  of  my  life  .  .  .  ❞


❝  Jason  .  ❞  Bruce  calls  out  as  he  sees  Jason  about  to  kill  a  criminal  .  ❝  Don't  ,  killing  them  won't  solve  anything  .  ❞  Bruce  adds  as  he  walks  toward  his  son  .  ❝  I  know  your  angry  but  just  listen  to  me  .  ❞


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            Jason  looked  at  his  father  with  anger  ,  how  dare  he  bring  the  Joker  up  .  He  KNEW  this  is  personal  to  him  .  ❝  You  don't  know  what  it's  like  to  have  your  head  smashed  like  a  pulp  by  a  fucking  crow  bar  !  ❞ Jason  yelled  ,  his  finger  still  on  the  trigger  .


            ❝  No  YOU  don't  .  ❞  Bruce  who  is  dressed  as  batman  replied  ,  the  dark  knight  walks  closer  to  his  son  .  ❝  Jason  ,  I  know  your  angry   at  the  Joker  .  ❞  Bruce  adds  .


            ❝  You  don't  understand  ,  father  .  ❞  Jason  replied  as  he  points  his  gun  at  the  criminal  who  is  no  longer  armed  .  ❝  I  HAVE  to  do  this  .  ❞


; Why the squares????
          Ps: I’ll be back, need to bleach my eyes out *cough*  cause watty is on drugs again.


            ; Or Apple hate us.