
So…it has been a few years since I first was on here…hell feels like a lifetime jesus I really need to work on writing stories again..makes me feel like a good therapeutic session but sometimes writers block sucks well I know I say this a lot over and over again but I’m definitely going to be rewriting so see you all on the flipside 


@Det3rmined_Writ3r alright then see you on the flip side!


@Det3rmined_Writ3r yeah that’s always a good start whenever you need to make a new oc lol just use a new template from the old one 


So…it has been a few years since I first was on here…hell feels like a lifetime jesus I really need to work on writing stories again..makes me feel like a good therapeutic session but sometimes writers block sucks well I know I say this a lot over and over again but I’m definitely going to be rewriting so see you all on the flipside 


@Det3rmined_Writ3r alright then see you on the flip side!


@Det3rmined_Writ3r yeah that’s always a good start whenever you need to make a new oc lol just use a new template from the old one 


Have you ever heard or listened to a song and the song was just so damn catchy and or an amazing thing to listen too that you legitimately create a small movie/story scene out of it and you just sitting there like ”....I’ve got an idea that I want to write out but I’m not sure how it’s going to be....” kinda trance like state? No just me?


@Det3rmined_Writ3r for sure that’s The hard part but sometimes it always is found after constant trying but yeah hopefully with this idea that came up in my mind I’m going to see if it’ll work out in either a new one or one of my older books which ever comes first


@Det3rmined_Writ3r hell yeah except I’m gonna be honest I have like so many damn ideas popping into my head it’s like a mix mash of stories that I don’t know what ideas go to what books hell it’s so bad that I have new story ideas that come to mind only from music and or movie scenes it’s ridiculous but yeah lol I know the feeling all to well


What is up my dudes and dudettes ok so first off yes I’m alive and well still always will be anyway sorry for not posting anything story related major writers block for miles upon miles in my brain but anyway so two things one I am in the process of writing a new rwby book taking place during Team STRQ’s timeline and secondly even though I have just one chapter on it I’m completely rewriting my fantasy book a strange world (again yes I know ughhh) but anyway that’s all I got in terms of a status update so hope you all have a good day peace!


Hello everyone sorry for not posting or even giving updates on my stories to be honest most of them I’ll have to rewrite due to me not being all that happy with them however while I was away I have been working on a little something well what is it you may ask? Well I did mention I would be in the process of writing this story after I knew more of it but don’t worry I’m not hiding this so I’m proud to present To you my story 
          *Pause for dramatic effect*
          “The Rejects of Station 9:A Fire Force story”
          Yup that’s right a Fire force story so in any case I’ll catch you all on the flip side!


@Det3rmined_Writ3r Heh thanks man your support is always a welcome one


@Det3rmined_Writ3r nice glad to see ya hyped 


So to get my brain kickstarted with ideas and to help rid my writers block I am going to create a big book of one shots that you my lovely friends and followers can request to have done so yeah and also *Leans in and whispers* This is my first one shot book so pls has mercy on meh...anyway hope u all have a wonderful day! See you real soon!


A PSA from me...
          Look in the mirror...yes the mirror look at yourself and say I’m beautiful,I’m strong,I’m awesome,I’m amazing,everyone loves me even if I do something Dorky,Goofy,funny,exciting,interesting. You look in the mirror because you see yourself and only yourself what’s behind that frontal image nothing that is anyone else’s your life is your life do with it as you please but some actions are ones that shouldn’t be taken if you constantly say you hate your life hey it’s okay everyone’s there for you talk to those that mean the world to you talk to those who are willing to listen...but hey listen times are tough but do these little things and think for a second Head up,Shoulders down,And take a deep breath in and out...You matter...Your special to someone,anyone, happy...and prosper gratefully.
          ~ A message from Strider_Wolf21 and Robert Anthony Gonzalez Jr.