


Hey the new one is called Now it's Official, the reason its called that, I didn't make them officially together, just the thing at the end made it officially her.. you'll see XD but I didn't mean to make it sound they they were then together (cause thats what I made it sound like -.- silly meh)


You really are a great friend :D I've been crying less now, I guess it's because school has started and I have other things to think about. I felt alone in my art class today though because that was the class me and Andrew had together :'( grrr and I totally feel the same way.originally Andrew was nothing like I wanted in a guy (green eyes, dark hair, natural sense of humor... etc.) but now I'm comparing every guy I meet. Either this guy isn't tall like Andrew or, this guy doesn't have Andrew's warm brown eyes, ya know? It's actually really pissing me off that I can't just get over it.