
hello, I'm really sorry that thing happened in your comments, didn't meant to fr, hope it's okay. btw your story was SO GOOD wth it was amazing, just: do we know what happens to the trees at the end ? anyways, I'm sorry again I can delete my comments if you want to, have a good day !! (srry if there's any english mistakes. i'm not fluent)


@ beg4love  all good man, its kinda funny actually lmao i kept waking up during the night just to look at my phone and see even more comments popping up. and thanks for enjoying my story! i wrote it a couple years ago as my first ever fanfic, so honestly i didn't think it much through and eventually moved on to other things and fandoms and just kinda dropped this fic. if i were to rewrite it now, though, id probably try to give it a bittersweet ending, like his business still going down but at least y/n sticks around when everyone else leaves. there's no need to delete the comments, though. You too have a good day!