
@jennininiiiii YOU AREEEEE and I like you either way, I meannn go to jail for a good reason gotta find more people I swear if m the kindest you probably gotta know like three people bby come on now, but sameeee plscsxj we connected cuz of your weirdness I'm sure, as will I sweetheart, it'd be weird if I didn't consider you one of my best friends after spending so much time together jenn, you don't need to  do anything ml you're already such a wonderful friend you have no idea, THANK YOUUU MWAH 


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@jennininiiiii @jennininiiiii thank you so much seriously I'm really proud of you too Jen I always have been...well addiction n mental health makes you a different person but mostly I'm chill asf I swear I'm really quiet until m like really comfortable with you....hey don't be meannn it's easy to get distracted by things...yeah but at least we'll be together..preachh he's honestly pretty cute too..nah the bar is below hell like tell me why the fuck they can ghost you for 6 months straight n then randomly text you to use you again is the standard?? it should'veee omg you gotta show me, babes honestly I'm not sure I'll make it to tomorrow lmfao I'm having so many episodes rn m pretty sure I'll end up calling the police on myself again but I really hope you're having a better week, you don't overwork yourself I know how hard you work but don't forget that you're the only one that can take care of yourself properly, have fun and most importantly be with people that love you honey, it's so important to surround yourself with people and create a support system that can help you when you're not doing so well mentally or physically...I'm so fucking for real I'm not religious or spiritual by any means but im so grateful that i met you, like it's so rare to find a friend you click so well with..anytime i have to pray, i pray that your wishes come true and to keep you it should bee I'm literally waiting for you 


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@jennininiiiii yeah it really is but ughh it's so fucking hard to keep up, i swear to god I'm so chill like I'm a changed woman LMAOO STOPP you'll burn cakes too it's easy to get distractedd....come on prison ain't bad, the food is shit but maybe you can finally find the love of your life in there, like Gypsy rose did yk? lady got married, divorced, engaged, pregnant..and some of us can't even get a text back, ohhhh damn I didn't know you can eat goat n lamb, do you like lamb n goat? plss yes yes it is, OMGG you're must've been so fucking prettyy love, meh m surviving just finee you have to sleep n eat tho, my dream is to be a billionaire and just spend money like it's nothing smh it must be so nice to not care about anything in life and just do n go wherever you want, im- stoppp thats meann m actually going to a temple tmrw m gonna wish for you to get lots of money so you can come visit me, AWEEE AMORE MIO YOU'RE SO CUTEEE OMGGGSKF you're so sweet ml ❤️ I'm always here for you Jen always and...don't seriously dont get inspired by me cuz you'll end up in jail but I love you so much you're my favorite person, literally my best friend, you're so wonderful and you're going to do many things in your life so dont ever give up, I will tell him that sweetheart, MERRY CHRISTMASSSSS JENN AND happy early new year tooo


@jennininiiiii yeah..more or less I dunno I just always thought of stuff in that way ig lmao? thank you thank you but no actually I've grown are a granny Jen you can't make your true nature disappear, you're perfect Jen just the way you are, it's really nothing you don't have to do any of that or the gratitude stuff, altho I appreciate it so much and make me cry like literally ball my eyes out reading this, all you have to know is I'm always here for you and you'll never be alone, no matter where you are I pinky promise I'm not leaving you, oh sweetheart I didn't save you, you saved yourself, you did that, dont give me credit for your amazing work, all I did was stay there silly, I know it took a lot to survive..but you did that jen and you can keep on surviving, you're a tough nut to crack and a strong woman and you're going to be even stronger in the future, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I look up to you bitch you're just that amazing, I love you too sweetheart I love you so much I believe in you and keep on surviving and living no matter what...I can be I can be, plscksxj m sure he loves you too since I talk about him to you...want me to tell him that you said hi? me too honestly..m glad he's doing something that he enjoys he deserves it... pleaseee me neitherrr bit he's studying more than me rn n I am not joking, he's going really good and working really hard on his dreams I'm really proud of him 


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@jennininiiiii you really are a sweet soul, ahh thank youu it's whatever tho m sorta giving up hope anyway, plsckfls you'd think but I'm actually really chill m not this a chaotic irl, m also a really bad teacher but I do know how to cook at taste buds are weird tho I like weird foods...getting jailed for arson IS the best part of going to an unknown country yk? at least you'll be with me, you're not allowed to eat it for half a year?? oh shit...what kind of meat do you like to eat then? so basically no red meat? Help I understand that rice is a staple in everywhere in asia it's disrespect if you don't eat it, m glad you're getting some veggies in your system at least it's good for you, you must've looked like a princess for sure, ohh wowww that sounds gorgeousss, hard but really gorgeous you're so talented jenn, exactly what I'm sayingg I'm filled to the brim this week I have so much shit to do I'm actually not sure I have time to even sleep or eat lol, no fr tho I would be sad but at least I can buy myself things to feel less happy or or I can go to therapy and fix them issues but only if I have mobey yk? sweetness is always the key and then you always have a second option if sweetness doesn't work 


@jennininiiiii black well he's gooddd he's getting old smh he's pretty big too, oldie is good too he changed uni he's doing something he finally likes and he really likes it there and he's studying for his exams so he's pretty busy n chris is chris, he's doing pretty well tho, he told me to tell you hi and he's studying too 


@jennininiiiii plscksxj hey don't be mean, yeah yeah no I'm great just been all over the place, I relapsed again n I dunno just trying to put myself together ig..yeah m pretty pissed about that m not talking to ma anymore cuz of that but maybe rehab will be a fresh start yk? m very patient what are you talking about? heY we won't cuz m a great teacher n you're a great student smh (we probably will burn the whole house down) oh really?? i didn't know that so like you can't eat chicken or beef? do you eat beef? can you eat beef? cow's are important in your culture right? or was it pig? I'm getting a lot of cultures mixed...m pretty sure it was the cow...but also you shouldn't only eat meat honey, have rice n veggies too it's important  but omggg you must've looked so beautiful darling..what's rangoli? I feel like I know what that is but I also..don't.. mhmm we have final in December and it sucks ass, it's cold n dark n shitty you don't really have the interest in studying either so it's harder smh, lmfaoo reall damnit it would be nice if someone gave us money like that, yeah well sometimes when its useful to have a foul mouth and a temper but otherwise being sweet is better, well by amazing life I mean the memories YOU choose to make with the people YOU choose to surround yourself with yk? not people that are just there but the ones that make you happy and the ones that share your sadness when you're down, people that you consider yours, but honestly giving other people advice with your age will help them a lot in life and when you're an awesome grandma someday you'll be amazing and people will come up to you to talk about things they need help with, and you'll be able to help....ehhh shhh dont make me cry noww but honestly people need you in their lives, you're the sweetest, honest funny and the most caring person ever, life sucks sometimes but take care of yourself okay? stay safe love


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@jennininiiiii well...I'm sorta getting locked up in a while....m on a list for inpatient treatment, getting therapy and getting diagnosed w bpd n all that shit.. rehab wasn't really optional this time hehe...but I LOVE sleepoverssss and yes omg we could make so much stuff, I can teach you how to make all sorts of pasta n dessertt, plscksxj picnic it is then, you don't?? i mean you celebrated Diwali in October right? it was more colorful than Christmas probably? december is suffocating tho it's so much stress on everyone, finals, presents, exams, grades,family.. it's better to avoid it tbh...I can make anything not sound bad honey, but honest take? grandma's are so cool anD they secretly give you cash yk? plus you'd be such a cool grandma, like you can show the older kids how cool n pretty and what an amazing life you had when you were young and still have as you get older and yk get them excited for their future life but also to enjoy the one they have right'd be kinda nice to have a positive person like that in their lives yk? But I really am glad you're out of that phase I'M SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU you have no idea bby, you deserve to live an amazing life full of good and bad days cuz those are important too but bad days don't last forever and making your life better is all that matters and I'm really so so so proud of you rn, you're so sweet honey I'm glad you won't forget me, I'm glad I could be a close friend to you it's an honor 


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@jennininiiiii I hope that's soon, or I could get you up here m thinking about working this summer if I don't get locked up in a psych ward but if you come over we could have a sleepover n I'll make sure you meet half of my friends they're really nice, suit yourself it's kinda boring without getting kinda see people grinding kissing on each other ew, the dance-jumping thing they do? and getting shit faced drunk but if you're into that we can totally go to the clubs, absolutely understandableee winter sucks ass but Ig its not half bad when you end up drinking hot chocolate n seeing pretty lights smh...take it however you like it babes  aw that sucks being a grammy...gaunt? is kinda goals yk? Like you won't have kids of your own but you can be the only cool grandma-aunt person that's the only tolerable and fun, cool person in your mom's life yk? and exactlyyy you can do dumb shit with them and well a word of advice don't let them fuck up their life...and don't kill yourself...i feel like the first one comes first BUT yeah don't kill yourself cuz they'll love you and if you're not around their mom will probably be strict and ancient and won't let them do the dumb shit that they're supposed to do yk? but be the responsible adult...your humor is elite darling, as you should beee I didn't just text you n messaged you just to be forgotten </3


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@jennininiiiii you're always welcome to come over bby, it gets kinda boring imo but alcohol n getting high kinda gets you through the night so it's not that bad, exactlyyyy ain't nobody want to go out in this cold smh it sucks and seasonal depression? yeah no thanks..lmao sure you're the sweetest person Jen  don't worry also I mean you never know but other people's kids still makes you a grandma yk? you'd be like a fairy godmother guiding them with your matureness and Intelligence to not let them do dumb shit? you're funny Jen I'd never forget about you silly it's always nice talking to you and having you in my life