
Hey guys! Sorry that the updates are taking so long! It's been a long week and everytime I write a draft, it deletes it so I've rewritten chapters about 6 times. 
          	Kay, personal business!! A junior from my school asked me out and i said yes :)) but things are kinda pissing me off. If you want to hear the drama keep reading if not skip a paragraph. My family lives on a farm and we have so much going on. My mom is back in school and she is already working a full-time job. So on top of working from 7-5:30 every day she also has to come home and do full time college homework (to become a better paid nurse). So she has a lot to do. But my siblings are total jack-asses and think that their lives are the MOST important thing in this world. So my older brother (20) is never home and always disappears when we need help. My older sister (22) is always dropping off her son onto me and going to hang out with her boyfriend. And lastly my other sister (17) is always sick and has migraines all the time and is in college classes. So on weeks like this where my dad is on a work trip, my mom needs a lot of help right? Well, aparantly that doesn't matter to my siblings. I spent this entire week turning down my friend's offers to go out and do things with them because I knew my mom needed help, (including: I did all of my siblings chores, including my own, and haven't left my house this entire harvest break) But now I thought, hmmm. Maybe I could go out one night to see my friends from my old school (that i haven't seen in 4 years let me remind you) and go to a party for maybe 3 hours or so. Nope. My brother is "too busy", my 22 year old sister is telling me that i have to watch her son for her sso she can hang out with her boyfriend and my 17 year old sister is sick. So yeah. there's my rant about how i hate my life. :D
          	Anyways, drop some comments about any oneshots ideas, book ideas, anything you would like to see!
          	I love y'all!


Hey guys! Sorry that the updates are taking so long! It's been a long week and everytime I write a draft, it deletes it so I've rewritten chapters about 6 times. 
          Kay, personal business!! A junior from my school asked me out and i said yes :)) but things are kinda pissing me off. If you want to hear the drama keep reading if not skip a paragraph. My family lives on a farm and we have so much going on. My mom is back in school and she is already working a full-time job. So on top of working from 7-5:30 every day she also has to come home and do full time college homework (to become a better paid nurse). So she has a lot to do. But my siblings are total jack-asses and think that their lives are the MOST important thing in this world. So my older brother (20) is never home and always disappears when we need help. My older sister (22) is always dropping off her son onto me and going to hang out with her boyfriend. And lastly my other sister (17) is always sick and has migraines all the time and is in college classes. So on weeks like this where my dad is on a work trip, my mom needs a lot of help right? Well, aparantly that doesn't matter to my siblings. I spent this entire week turning down my friend's offers to go out and do things with them because I knew my mom needed help, (including: I did all of my siblings chores, including my own, and haven't left my house this entire harvest break) But now I thought, hmmm. Maybe I could go out one night to see my friends from my old school (that i haven't seen in 4 years let me remind you) and go to a party for maybe 3 hours or so. Nope. My brother is "too busy", my 22 year old sister is telling me that i have to watch her son for her sso she can hang out with her boyfriend and my 17 year old sister is sick. So yeah. there's my rant about how i hate my life. :D
          Anyways, drop some comments about any oneshots ideas, book ideas, anything you would like to see!
          I love y'all!


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hey, so sorry if my stories have been dry! i haven't had a lot of time to do anything lately. I'm in high school lol and it literally sucks butt. And my dance team's football preformances start Friday! and finally the last of my idiocy, i have a crush on someone and i need help...
          He is older than me by a couple months and is a really tall football player. When i say really tall, i mean that shit. he's 6'4 and 16 years old. Like mmmh. My friends are dirtbags and gave him a note telling him that i liked him (without my permission) and now he knows but it's been like 5 or 6 days since they did that sooo i'm a little hopeless :((( Advice? 


I’m really invested in the story about Stuckys entire life together when are you next updating??


Please don’t feel pressure if you have other things going on/ just don’t want to! I love the story but your well-being comes first.


@ItsMe13799 not sure. school has started back up and i'm literally struggling with all the drama and crap. I'll try for tonight???