
mass rebranding! softelmax > stxrdrifter
          	I'm assuming my ao3 persona. There will no longer be Stranger Things content posted to this account because I have risen above.
          	Enjoy the new stuff I have to offer!!


also: all of my elmax stuff I will be taking down. I still have the google docs for them, so if demand is high I'll convert them to PDFs and put them somewhere to download.


mass rebranding! softelmax > stxrdrifter
          I'm assuming my ao3 persona. There will no longer be Stranger Things content posted to this account because I have risen above.
          Enjoy the new stuff I have to offer!!


also: all of my elmax stuff I will be taking down. I still have the google docs for them, so if demand is high I'll convert them to PDFs and put them somewhere to download.


It’s been a while.
          Since I last posted anything, a lot has happened. I changed my name, started new projects, listened to a ton of new music and watched a ton of new shows, was part of a musical production, and more.
          I’d like to formally announce my departure from writing fanfiction. This chapter of my life was good, but it’s time to move onto bigger and better things. Opportunities don’t wait, so I need to run and catch them.
          Maybe you’ll see me somewhere else. Hopefully I’ve made it.
          - softelmax, signing off for good.


@softelmax future me from not two and half years later has not made it yet, sorry.


to whoever has dug back into my profile, I wanna thank you for reading my works. and to the future me that’s gonna come back and check this out in like two and a half years or something, hopefully you’ve made it. 