
lean esto plis, gracias


          i just wanna clear up everything cause this is getting kinda confusing. okay, so this hate acc followed me and i tried to deffend people that the acc was trowing hate on. i also said that we can't fight hate with hate we need to say facts with respect, it's a logical thing to know and it doesn't mean that i support the hate acc. i don't support ANY hate acc in ANY community, i'm just a respectful person that's it, that's all. if you wanna hate me for that then hate me idc, but think of it for a second, hun.


@stxrsandlctters we were hating on you because we thought you were justifying the haters actions, I'm sorry if you're hurt :) 


@_L0VELETTER i get all that, but i still don't get why you and the others are hating on me. i'm not a rock or something, i'm a human and i have feelings. idc anymore about the drama with the hate account, i won't talk anymore about that beacuse is useless for me to deffend people that hates me. have a nice day too


@stxrsandlctters I get where you're coming from, but it's an eye for an eye, you don't expect us to be kind and nice to her when she tears others down and body shame them and telling them to kill themselves. Anyway have a nice day