Hello there all you space travelers! ✨
This is just a reminder to get your form in if you have not done so already. We are planning on starting the rp sometime this weekend- so you really need to have your forms in before then! If you have any problems with that, or need an extension, feel free to pm this account.
Once your form is in, make sure to check out the connections page if you would like your ocs to have a few connections, and post your form (or a link to your form ) to the form chapter, that way everything is nice and organized, and we make sure that we have everyone’s forms that way.
Lastly, there are a few roles that still need to be filled, mostly roadies, and we would like to get those filled so if everyone could tag 3 more people for this rp- or even take on a roadie role, that would be great!
Thanks so much! ❤️